Warszawa – miasto, które nie istnieje

Słowa kluczowe

Warsaw in 1935
Tomasz Gomoła
The End of Summer 1939
Anna Belka
Marek Mikulski
Maciej Mikulski
Violetta Urbaniak
City of Ruins
Damian Nenow
computer animation 3D

Jak cytować

Czaja, J. (2013). Warszawa – miasto, które nie istnieje. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 12(21), 219–225. https://doi.org/10.14746/i.2013.21.16


Warsaw - a city that does not exist

The subject of the article is attempts in cinema and comics to reconstruct the image of pre-warWarsaw. The use of archival photographs of the capital, old postcards, and computer reconstructions using 3D technology increase the realism of the presentation, and provide the effect of intuition, intimacy, and directness. AWarsawnon-existent today comes to life again on the screen and in the pages of the comic book.



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