Wpływ intonacji na zapamiętanie przekazu werbalnego

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Ziaja, J. (2004). Wpływ intonacji na zapamiętanie przekazu werbalnego. Investigationes Linguisticae, 10, 43–52. https://doi.org/10.14746/il.2004.10.4


The effects of intonation on the recall of sentences were examined. One major hypothesis was made: intonation affects the recall of sentences. A 4 x 2 (four types of intonations x speaker’s gender) experiment was used. Recordings of male and female voices were used. Intonation was manipulated on the computer and four types of intonation were employed (monotonous, natural, expressive, superexpressive). Results indicated that intonation did not affect the recall of sentences. Unexpectedly, analyses showed that subjects memorized the sentences better when they were spoken by male than female speaker.


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