Intonation is often considered the most problematic component of prosody. It may largely contribute to the meaning of an utterance and provide rich indexical information. The complexity of the intonationrelated phenomena, from the acoustic level up to the cognitive process of semiosis, resulted in a variety of conceptualisations and divergent theoretical approaches. In the present text, an attempt is made to sketch the late Wiktor Jassem’s contribution to intonation studies, starting from his early work on colloquial British English to the studies focused on the Polish language as well as his general perspective on prosody and on the methods of its exploration. Some of his unpublished contribution to research projects on various aspects of prosody is also acknowledged. The present overview is based both on available written materials (publications, references, reports, reviews) and the author’s personal communication with Wiktor Jassem and his collaborators.
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Jassem, Wiktor 1972a. Statistical parameters of average short-term F0 values as personal voice charateristics. In Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Phonetica Pragensia 3. Praha, 123-126.
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Jassem, Wiktor 1987b. Off-line automatic recognition of basic F0 curves. In European Conference on Speech Technology, vol 1. Edinburgh, 219-222.
Jassem, Wiktor 1987c. Structural units of intonation in the acoustical speech signal. In U.W. Drechsler. S. Luschotzki, O. E. Pfeiffer and J. E. Rennison (Eds), Phonologica 1984. London - New York - Rochelle: CUP.
Jassem, Wiktor 1994. Linguistic function(s) of intonation in Standard British English. In B. Halford and H. Pilch eds. Intonation. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 89-95.
Jassem, Wiktor 1996a. A quantitative analysis of Standard British English nuclear tones. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 3, 3, 229-243.
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Jassem, Wiktor 2002. Classification and organization of data in intonation research. In A. Braun and R. Masthoff eds. Phonetics and its applications. Festschrift for Jens-Peter Köster on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. Wiesbaden, Stuttgart: Franz Steinet Verlag. 289-297.
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