Adjustment coefficients for planimetric analysis of the granulometry of coarse-grained sediments


grain-size distribution
planimetric analysis
coarse-grained sediments

How to Cite

Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Kossowski, T., & Jamroży, J. (2012). Adjustment coefficients for planimetric analysis of the granulometry of coarse-grained sediments. Geologos, 17(4), 221–226.


The relationship between results from granulometric analyses of by sieving and by planimetry was investigated by numerical simulation of cubes filled with boulders, cobbles and pebbles. Cross-sections through the sediment were simulated and compared with photos of an actual outcrop wall. Volumes estimated on the basis of planimetric analysis using the cross-sections were compared with sieve analyses, thus allowing to determine adjustment coefficients. The coefficients for pebbles and cobbles have a small standard error, but are larger for boulders, which might be a consequence of too small areas formed by the cross-sections.


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