Impact of the Baden Complex Upon the Tripolye and Funnel Beaker Cultures in Western Ukraine


Baden culture
Funnel Beaker culture
Tripolye culture
cultural impact
Western Ukraine
4th millennium BC

How to Cite

Rybicka, M., & Verteletskyi, D. (2020). Impact of the Baden Complex Upon the Tripolye and Funnel Beaker Cultures in Western Ukraine. Baltic-Pontic Studies, 24, 154–176.


In scientific literature the discussion over the evident ties between the Baden complex and Tripolye culture dates back to the mid 1990s and is related to Sofievka type complexes. In earlier papers by scholars on TC Stage CII only passing mention was given to Baden influences, the exception being works by Mykhailo Videiko, who paid particular attention to contacts with the Carpathian Basin. He noted their impact upon Troyaniv-Gorodsk type complexes and pointed out the presence of the Baden pottery style in the settlements of the Kasperivtsy-Gordineşti complex. The adoption of Baden traits by communities belonging to the Funnel Beaker and Tripolye cultures in western Volhynia ran along very different lines. The quantity of data on Baden influence upon Funnel Beaker culture communities in the area between the Western Bug, Upper Dniester and Styr rivers remains small.


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