O czasopiśmie

Aims and Scope

Baltic-Pontic Studies (BPS) is a yearbook published since 1993 together by two institutes of the Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznań, Poland: the Institute of Archaeology (until 2017: Institute of Prehistory) and the Institute of Eastern Studies. The idea of a journal that would present in English the effects of the archaeological work concentrated on the biocultural borderland between the West and East of Europe. Seats on the Editorial Board were accepted by distinguished scholars of 'archaeology of the borderland' from the academic centres of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. Under the mode of operations adopted at the BPS, stimuli for new volume are given by members of the Editorial Board. They suggest crucial research issues, calling for a discussion and then presentation in the form of a set of papers or monographs, and outline the best ways to undertake their studies further. First, the Editorial Board members choose a team of potential contributors and, second, decide on the forms of collaboration and sources of financing; the latter usually come in the form of grants. Thus, BPS volumes carry exclusively commissioned papers. BPS is on the ERIH list.

Peer Review Process

Following the guidelines issued by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2011), every paper submitted to the BPS is subject to a double-blind review process. The reviewing procedure adopted by the BPS is consistent with the basic guidelines issued by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/). The review questionnaire contains the following questions: Is the content of the paper appropriate for the BPS profile? Does the paper bring any new information? Does the title clearly reflect the paper content? Is the layout of the paper clear and does it conform to generally accepted standards? Are the methods applied in the paper up-to-date and clearly set out? Do interpretations and conclusions follow from arguments presented in the paper? Are all figures and tables necessary to present the intended content, are they correctly designed and of sufficient graphic quality? Are references to the literature on the subject appropriate and adequate for the current state of knowledge? Are there any parts of the paper that should be expanded, elaborated or shortened? Does the script require any language improvements? A reviewer is asked to choose one of the following options: Accept. Minor corrections necessary. Accept. Major corrections necessary. After corrections are introduced, the paper should be sent back to the reviewer. The paper is not fit for publication.

Plagiarism Policy

The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.

Open Access Statement

The journal is an Open Access journal that allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.

The PRESSto platform digitally preserves the content of this journal using the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN), which provides digital long-term preservation of data and secured access to the content of the journal.
The journal "Baltic-Pontic Studies" complies with the I40C standards for open citations.

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań