Wytyczne dla autorów
1. The primary (original) version of the BPS is the printed edition.
2. The Editorial Committee only accepts for publication commissioned papers that have been formatted in accordance with the following guidelines.
3. Papers should be sent to the Editorial Committee by e-mail or on a storage medium accompanied by a hard copy.
4. Component parts of a paper should be saved in separate files bearing appropriate names.
5. In order to maintain a high standard of academic integrity of papers printed in the BPS and following the guidelines of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2011), the Editorial Committee implements procedures safeguarding against 'ghost writing' and 'guest authorship'. Therefore, each submitted paper should be accompanied by a written statement concerning the contribution of each author and the sources of research financing.
6. All dates in the BPS are calibrated [BC; see Radiocarbon vol. 28, 1986 and next volumes]. Deviations from this rule will be pointed out in notes and marked as "bc".
7. The names of archaeological cultures and sites are standardized to the English literature on the subject (see e.g. publications of Gimbutas and Mallory). In the case of a new term, the author's choice of a term is retained.
8. The spelling of place names, having a rank of administrative centres, follows official, state English-language cartographic publications, e.g.:
- Ukraine, scale 1:2 000 000, Kiev: Mapa LTD, edition 1996;
- Respublika Belarus', review-topographic map, scale 1:1 000 000, Minsk: Byelarussian Cartographic and Geodetic Enterprise, edition 1993.
9. Text formatting:
- format: *.doc or *.rtf
- font: Times New Roman 12
- line spacing: 2.0
- page margins: 1 inch (top, bottom, left and right)
- bibliographic references: only in the text, e.g.: [Kowalski 1989:42]
- no, or a minimum of footnotes
- for word emphasis use italics only
- below the author's name give his/her affiliation, address for correspondence and e-mail
10. Illustration (figure) requirements:
- raster graphics: resolution minimum 600 dpi; acceptable formats: *.tif, *.jpg, *.psd
- vector graphics: conversion of text to curves; acceptable formats: cdr, *.ai, *.dxf
- a list of figures attached
11. Bibliography requirements - follow the examples below:
- papers in journals:
Nogaj-Chachaj J. 1991 The stone-packed graves of the Funnel Beaker culture in Karmanowice site 35. Antiquity 65:628-639.
- chapter in a book:
Otroshchenko V.V. 1995 Puti obmena - puty migratsiy. In: Epokha bronzy dono-donetskogo regiona, 18-19. Lugansk.
Dolukhanov P.M. 1999 War and Peace in Prehistoric Eastern Europe. In: J. Carman, A. Harding (Eds), Ancient Warfare, 73-87. Stroud.
- books:
Neprina V.I 1976 Neolit yamochno-grebenchatoy keramiki na Ukraine. Kiev.
Shaposhnikova O.G., Fomenko V.N., Dovzhenko N.D. 1986 Yamnaya kulturno-istoricheskaya oblast (yuzhnobugskiy variant). Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov, vyp. 1-6. Kiev.