A grave in Ilyatka and Globular Amphora site cluster on the Southern Bug, Podillya, Ukraine
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Słowa kluczowe

Globular Amphora culture
eastern group
Southern Bug catchment
absolute chronology

Jak cytować

Szmyt, M., Zakhar’ev, V., Kozak, O., & Rudych, T. (2021). A grave in Ilyatka and Globular Amphora site cluster on the Southern Bug, Podillya, Ukraine. Baltic-Pontic-Studies, 25, 265–289. https://doi.org/10.14746/bps.2021.25.8


Discussed in the article, the multi-burial grave from Ilyatka (Staraya Sinyava district, Khmelnytskyi province, Ukraine) is the first feature of the Globular Amphora culture in the drainage basin of the upper Southern Bug to be subjected to comprehensive bioarchaeological and chronological analyses. The time when the remains of seven people (four men and three women) were deposited in it was determined to be 2700–2550 BC. The feature is part of a small site cluster on the upper Southern Bug, made up of 16 sites. The importance of the cluster follows from its location in one of the crucial communication hubs of the Ukrainian forest-steppe. This makes the cluster vital for the exploration of the forest-steppe settlement by Globular Amphora communities, their expansion towards the middle Dnieper area, and connections to Yamnaya culture groups.

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