Wirtualna rzeczywistość a sprawa realizmu

Słowa kluczowe

experience VR
cinematic VR
nonfiction film

Jak cytować

Nagłowski, J. (2018). Wirtualna rzeczywistość a sprawa realizmu. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 21(30), 247–257. https://doi.org/10.14746/i.2017.30.18.


The takes issue the VR experience in the context of the concepts of realism. He presents the process of create the cinematic VR and its references to reality in the type of non-fiction media. He also points to the ethical dimension of the issue by referring to Emmanuel Lévinas’ philosophy.



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Lévinas E., Istniejący i Istnienie, przeł. J. Margański, Kraków 2006

Milka Ch., The future of virtual reality, <https://medium.com/@Within/welcome-to-within-c7d3daba2b55> [dostęp: 23.06.2017]

Walker L., Virtual reality documentaries „take the middle man out of journalism”, <https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jan/29/virtual-reality-documentary-middle-man-journalism-chris-milk-film> [dostęp: 30.06.2017]