Sensory processing disorders in women or why a lady cannot be a lady


sensory prosessing disorders

How to Cite

Stefanów, A. (2018). Sensory processing disorders in women or why a lady cannot be a lady. Journal of Gender and Power, 9(1), 39–49.


Why my daughter does not like it when I am braiding her hair? Why does she not want to put on a dress again, in which she looks so beautiful? Instead of acting like a little lady, she runs, bumps into people, falls, ruining her tights and a new skirt? Why is my daughter not like my friend’s daughter? Mothers of girls who have problems with sensory processing often ask the above questions. They would like their daughters to have the resemblance of little ladies. This article will discuss the issues in sensory processing disorders in girls and women that affect the way they function, and the way other people perceive them. In this article, “lady” will be understood as a woman who is refined, polite, and well-spoken.


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