Speech shadowing as a teaching technique in the CFL classroom


Chinese language learning
Chinese language teaching
speech shadowing technique

How to Cite

Zajdler, E. (2020). Speech shadowing as a teaching technique in the CFL classroom. Lingua Posnaniensis, 62(1), 77–88. https://doi.org/10.2478/linpo-2020-0005


The aim of this paper is to present speech shadowing (the listener’s repetition of a word, phrase or sentence immediately after hearing it) as an effective teaching technique. Shadowing has been practiced in English classes in Japan for decades and many studies have confirmed its effectiveness for improving learners’ listening comprehension and pronunciation skills. Even though some studies have already indicated that this technique is successfully used in teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) (Zajdler & Chu 2019), its potential has not been widely utilized in the Chinese classroom in Poland. Thus, the present paper will first discuss the auditory and cognitive underpinnings of shadowing, then a classification of the types of shadowing will be proposed. Finally, practical aspects of shadowing as an effective in-class CFL teaching technique will be presented.



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