Professor Tomasz "Zielu" Zieliński - an outstanding Polish sedimentologist: biography, scientific achievements, hobbies and publications

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Pawłowska, K., & Widera, M. (2024). Professor Tomasz "Zielu" Zieliński - an outstanding Polish sedimentologist: biography, scientific achievements, hobbies and publications. Geologos, 30(2), 165–168.


Zieliński, T., 1982. Współczesne przepływy wysokoenergetyczne, ich osady oraz próba nawiązania do modelu depozycji stożków napływowych [Contemporary high-energy flows, their deposits and an attempt to refer to the model of alluvial fan deposition]. Geologia, Katowice 6, 98–110.

Zieliński, T., 1992. Proglacial valley facies of the Silesian Upland - genetic factors and their sedimentological effects. Geologia Sudetica 26, 83–118.

Van Loon, A.J., Brodzikowski, K. & Zieliński, T., 1995. Shock-induced resuspension deposits from a Pleistocene proglacial lake (Kleszczów Graben, Central Poland). Journal of Sedimentary Research A65, 417–422. DOI:

Zieliński, T. & Goździk, J., 2001. Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of a Pleistocene alluvial succession in central Poland: sedimentary facies analysis as a tool for palaeoclimatic inferences. Boreas 30, 240–253. DOI:

Krzyszkowski, D. & Zieliński, T., 2002. The Pleistocene end moraine fans: controls on their sedimentation and location. Sedimentary Geology 149, 73–92. DOI:

Zieliński, T., 2003. Catastrophic flood effects in alpine/foothill fluvial system (a case study from the Sudetes Mts, SW Poland). Geomorphology 54, 293–306. DOI:

Zieliński, T. & Van Loon, A.J., 2003. Pleistocene sandur deposits represent braidplains, not alluvial fans. Boreas 32, 590–611. DOI:

Gradziński, R., Baryła, J., Danowski, W., Doktor, M., Gmur, D., Gradziński, M., Kędzior, A., Paszkowski, M., Soja, R., Zieliński, T. & Żurek, S., 2003. Vegetation-controlled modern anastomosing system of the upper Narew River (NE Poland) and its sediments. Sedimentary Geology 157, 253–276. DOI:

Zieliński, T., 2007. The Pleistocene climate-controlled fluvial sedimentary record in the Belchatow mine (central Poland). Sedimentary Geology 193, 203–209. DOI:

Gruszka, B. & Zieliński, T., 2008. Evidence of a very low-energy fluvial system: a case study from dinosaur-bearing Upper Triassic rocks of S Poland. Geological Quarterly 52, 239–252.

Pisarska-Jamroży, M. & Zieliński, T., 2014. Pleistocene sandur rhythms, cycles and megacycles: Interpretation of depositional scenarios and palaeoenvironmental conditions. Boreas 43, 330–348. DOI:

Pawłowski, D., Kowalewski, G., Milecka, K., Płóciennik, M., Woszczyk, M., Zieliński, T., Okupny, D., Włodarski, W. & Forysiak, J., 2015. A reconstruction of the palaeohydrological conditions of a flood-plain: a multi-proxy study from the Grabia River valley mire, central Poland. Boreas 44, 543–562. DOI:

Zieliński, T., Terpiłowski, S., Zieliński, P., Pidek, I.A., Godlewska, A. & Czubla, P., 2016. What was an interglacial river like? Sedimentological investigation of Holsteinian fluvial deposits in eastern Poland. Geological Quarterly 60, 149–166. DOI:

Chomiak, L., Maciaszek, P., Wachocki, R., Widera, M. & Zieliński, T., 2019. Seismically-induced soft-sediment deformation in crevasse-splay microdelta deposits (Middle Miocene, central Poland). Geological Quarterly 63, 163–178. DOI:

Widera, M., Chomiak, L. & Zieliński, T., 2019. Sedimentary facies, processes and paleochannel pattern of an anastomosing river system: an example from the Upper Neogene of Central Poland. Journal of Sedimentary Research 89, 487–507. DOI:

Zieliński, T. & Widera, M., 2020. Anastomosing-to-meandering transitional river in sedimentary record: A case study from the Neogene of central Poland. Sedimentary Geology 404, 1–17. DOI:

Gruszka, B. & Zieliński, T., 2021. Lacustrine deltas and subaqueous fans: Almost the same, but different – A review. Geologos 27, 43–55. DOI:

Kędzior, A., Widera, M. & Zieliński, T., 2021. Ancient and modern anastomosing rivers: insights from sedimentological and geomorphological case studies of the Triassic, Neogene and Holocene of Poland. Geological Quarterly 65, 54. DOI:

Salamon, T. & Zieliński, T., 2023. Development of a Gilbert-type delta in the kame environment: An example from NE Poland. Sedimentary Geology 455, 106484. DOI:

Zieliński, T., 2024. The valley of anastomosing Narew River (NE Poland) – A unique fluvial landscape of the European Lowlands. [In:] Migoń, P. & Jancewicz, K. (Eds): Landscapes and landforms of Poland. Springer Nature, p. 535–546. DOI: