The Legal Concepts of Online Commerce


Online Commerce
Civil law
High Tech Law

How to Cite

Kotkowski, J. . (2018). The Legal Concepts of Online Commerce. Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu Im. Adam Mickiewicza, 8.


The aim of the study is to present the selected legal concepts of online commerce. Elec-tronic commerce is still a relatively young, and thus only emerging, field of legal and economic marketing. Nevertheless, it exerts a serious and enormous influence on the entirety of social, economic and legal relations on a global scale. Bearing in mind this as-sumption the author pays attention to the selected topics of online commerce that leads to a conclusion that the existing legal and jurisprudential traditions are able to adapt to new, specific challenges posed by the development of technological civilization.


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The Polish Act of 23 April 1964 - Civil Code (Dz.U. 1964 no. 16 item 93).