Information For Authors

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By submitting an article to „Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne” (“Poznan Slavic Studies”), authors give their consent for the electronic version of the article to be published online.

By sending an article to the editorial board of Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, the Author agrees to the review process adopted in the journal and the rules of professional conduct.

By sending an article for publication, the author also declares that the work is original and that he has unlimited copyright (personal and economic) to the work submitted for publication (this also applies to appendixes: illustrations, charts, etc.), which are then transferred to “Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne”.

In case of co-authorship, it is necessary to send a statement on the percentage share of individual authors. The statement can be downloaded from the journal's website. 

There are no fees for submitting, processing or publishing an article in PSS.

Authors are asked to send us articles conform with the above author guidelines.

The volume of the article (only in doc or rtf formats) should not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces, including keywords, abstract and information about the author. Please include a short biography (up to 700 characters with spaces) with a contact email address (for editor’s information), an abstract (up to 1000 characters with spaces, title and up to five keywords – all in English. The abstract should include a justification of the research undertaken and a presentation of the results.

In the case of texts in Cyrillic alphabet, please also remember to transliterate the full name, the title of the text and the bibliography.

Please prepare references in APA style and attach the list of references.

Please send original, previously unpublished works, not submitted to print elsewhere.

Main body
Permanent elements of the paper and general information:

Structure of the article:

1. Title of the article.
2. Information about the author (name, last name, affiliation, country, ORCID number, email address).
3. Abstract (in English, with the title of the article translated into English).
4. Keywords (in English) – 5, separated by semicolon.
5. Introduction – with reference to the relevance of the research (about 10 % of the text).
6. Elaboration on the topic, including: the main thesis of the article, results of previous analyses (if any), research methods (about 80% of the text).
7. Conclusions and summary (about 10 % of the text).
8. List of references (separately in Latin and Cyrillic + separately transliteration of Cyrillic to Latin according to APA).
9. Note about the author (in English, up to 700 characters).

- Text written in font size 12 Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing.
- Full name of the author (without scientific titles/degrees, font size 14), with email address and affiliation in English in the line below (font size 10).
- Title of the article (font size 16).
- Abstract in English up to 1000 characters – containing the title of the article translated into English.

Components of the abstract:

1. The abstract should inform the reader about the contents of the article.
2. The abbreviated version should include the content of all parts of the paper.
3. It should contain up to 1000 characters.
4. It should contain a single paragraph.
5. It should contain only the content present in the article.
6. It should present the results of the analysis and the main conclusions.

- Keywords (5 keywords in English) - half-bold font; the words themselves should be listed after a colon, separated by a semicolon.
- A note about the author of the text: 700 characters with spaces. The note should specify basic information about scientific achievements and research interests.
- Parts of the article, such as introductions, headings etc., should be marked in bold font (without italics) and numbered with Arabic numerals.
- The quoted literature should be listed at the end of each article under the heading References.
- Quotations are written in two ways: text no longer than 4 lines is put in quotation marks, in simple font. If the quote is longer, it should be extracted from the main text and written in a smaller font (10 points), starting form a new paragraph, with an indentation. Omissions within quotations are indicated with (...), whereas quotation marks within quotation marks are indicated in the following way: „«word»”.
- Italics should be used to indicate foreign words and mottos, while highlighted elements should be written in bold.
- A hyphen is marked with an en dash: – (not a tiret: - or an em dash: —).
- For lists use hyphen bullets or Arabic numerals.
- If the article is supported by a grant, please include the relevant information in the footnote to the title.

Referencing style

Referencing shall be made according to the APA style, with references indicated within the text. The source should be put in brackets, including the author’s name, year of publication and page number. If there are more than one author, all names should be mentioned:

(Wolański, 2011, 234)
(Mikułowski-Pomorski, Nęcki, 1983, 62)

Additionally, the reference may include a longer citation, e.g.

(cf. Wolański, 2011, 234).

No Latin terms (such as ibidem or op. cit.) should be used. Each reference should be followed with the author's name. The author's name can be omitted if it has already been mentioned in the sentence preceding the footnote.  E.g. “As stated by John Searle in his work (1979, 45), there is no need for...”.

References to more than one publication should be present in chronological order:

(Jaroszewicz, 1966a, 65–68; Ihnatowicz, 1996, 13–21; Wolański, 2011, 234).

Multiple publications by the same author published in the same year should be marked with lowercase letters:

(Jaroszewicz, 1966a, 65–68)
(Jaroszewicz, 1966b, 78)

Please note that the suggested alphabetical order (concerning the same publication year) should be preserved in the reference list at the end of the article.

The author’s initials should be mentioned only if there is more than one author with the same surname and the entry was published in the same year:

(A. Nowak, 2002, 76)
(B. Nowak, 2002, 168)

References other than bibliographic shall be entered as footnotes at the bottom of a page.


Particular references should not be numbered. References must be arranged alphabetically.  In the case of reference lists in two alphabets (Latin and Cyrillic), the individual items are listed separately for each alphabet; the order is determined by the language of the text.

For references in Cyrillic, a transliteration should be prepared additionally.

Reference lists should include: the name of the author and their name’s initial, date of publication, title, place of publication, publishing house. Please use the following English elements in references: in: / p./pp. Important: the language of the individual items on the reference list must correspond to the language of the quoted publication.

If there are several places of publication, they should be separated with an en dash without spaces, e.g. Cracow–Warsaw–Poznań. The name of the series should be written in quotation marks and capital letters.

Author, several authors, collective work

Giddens, A. (2010). Nowoczesność i tożsamość. trans. A. Szulżycka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Daab, W. (1993). Indywidualizm a poglądy społeczno-polityczne. in: Wartości i postawy społeczne a przemiany systemowe: szkice z psychologii politycznej. ed. J. Reykowski, Warszawa: Instytut Kultury Europejskiej UAM, pp. 123–145.
Słodczyk, R. (2009). Znaczenie listu w malarstwie XVII i XVIII wieku oraz w ówczesnej powieści epistolarnej. „Przestrzenie Teorii”, no 12, pp. 165–191.
Reykowski, J. (ed.) (1993). Wartości i postawy społeczne a przemiany systemowe: szkice z psychologii politycznej, Warszawa: Instytut Psychologii PAN.

Reference style for works published in the same year

Jaroszewicz, A. (1966a). Środki i formy reklamy stosowane w handlu wewnętrznym na różnych szczeblach w różnych ogniwach i branżach. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Jaroszewicz, A. (1966b). Zarys rozwoju reklamy. Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne.

Unpublished works

Berckhan, R. (2015). The influence of business networks on the company performance in the automotive industry. [Unpublished PhD thesis]. Poznań: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu.

Internet source – a description of an electronic source should include the following elements: name and surname of the author, title, place of publication (if available), year of publication (if available), date of update/novelization (in the case of dictionaries or legal acts—if available), the source of the document (difficult to read website domains (e.g. longer than 30 characters or containing numbers and letters which do not spell out words) should be reduced using the following website

If the electronic publication has a DOI number, it is enough to mention the number (there is no need to add a URL or date of access).

Przybyszewski, T. (2007). Wyczucie humoru. „Integracja”, nr 4. 1.10.2010.


When including in the article any illustration that do not belong to the public domain, it is necessary to obtain signed permission from the author (or from the descendants) found in here).

In the case of public domain illustrations, the following information is required:

  • name and surname of the author,
  • date of death,
  • title of the work,
  • year of publication.

Provide also the source of the reproduction.

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that even though the work (e.g. picture) can be found in the public domain, its photograph is a separate work protected by copyrights laws. As a result, museums can sell licenses to reproduce a particular work belonging to its collection, as they can have exclusivity on its reproduction.

We would ask that you not take photographs of illustrations appearing in other publications in order to reproduce them. In the event of there being no alternative, scan the illustration at a resolution no lower than 300 dpi. There is, however, the risk of causing the so-called “moiré effect,” i.e. distortion due to the superimposition of two rasters: the original and secondary.

Illustrations should be sent as separate files (JPG or TIFF) at a resolution at least 1600 × 1200 px. Files with illustrations should be labeled (il_01, il_02 etc.). Please do not place illustrations in DOC files. To indicate where in the text these illustrations should be added, write the file name in angle brackets <il_01>, <il_02> etc. An illustration list should include illustration descriptions and source.

Descriptions of illustrations and tables should be located in the place where the given graphic will be found. They should be introduced in the following way:

  • Illustrations: Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc. 
  • Tables: Table 1, Table 2 etc. 

Transliteration in bibliographies

In transliteration, we use the international ISO-9 standard.

After converting the bibliography, the formatting should be completed – the script unfortunately removes all distinctions, including italics.