Sport and deradicalization: a proposal for an analysis and prevention model


prevention policies
individual environment


Based on Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological model, this article focuses on the multidimensionality of radicalization and its relationship with community culture by observing the problem of social isolation. In this framework, sports provide contexts in which forms of social collaboration are necessary, the “rules of the game” must be embraced, and there is close interaction among fellow players. These characteristics can turn organized sports into observatories on (potential) juvenile radicalization through identifying “early warning signals” that are mainly detected by observing those conducts that may reveal a potential risk. In the provided extensive literature review, it comes that these signs can be traced, for instance, in the lack of self-esteem, in the absence of significant bonds, in the intolerance towards values, as well as in extreme introverted behaviour of the young subjects. Alongside such premises, this paper aims to understand whether and to what extent it is possible to hypothesize the shaping of strategies able to prevent radicalization in various contexts. Alongside such premises, this paper is aimed at understanding whether, and to what extent, it is possible to hypothesize the shaping of strategies able to avert radicalisation in various contexts, prevention based on the idea that the interaction between the individual and the environment—in the sense provided by the Chicago School—is heavily influenced by the progressive adaptation of human organism to its surrounding environment.


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