The study’s relevance is due to the association between mental disorders and environmental instability. A frequent consequence of stress is post-traumatic disorder, which can significantly affect the personality and disrupt adaptation, causing subjective suffering. The purpose of the article is to update information on the structure and dynamics of socio-psychological features of affective personality disorders in the crisis period of life in the Ukrainian population associated with the war. The article uses the following methods: clinical and psychological, psychometric, and statistical (in particular, descriptive statistics) methods. The results of the study demonstrate various courses of bipolar affective disorders of the continuum type with the transformation of their dynamics. The study showed a significant increase in the negative symptoms of affective disorders under the influence of stress. The researchers demonstrated the severity of both depressive and manic phases of affective disorders under the impact of stress factors. The results indicate an exacerbation of the course of affective disorders in people under difficult life circumstances. The findings have theoretical significance and are promising for further research on typologisation, classification and identifying clinical and biological manifestations to represent the specifics of pathogenesis.
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