Discurso egocéntrico frente a discurso cooperativo: Hombres, mujeres y verbos
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López González, A. M. (2004). Discurso egocéntrico frente a discurso cooperativo: Hombres, mujeres y verbos. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 31, 343–352. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2004.31.032


D. Tannen (1990) defines women's cooperative discourse versus men's egocentric discourse. Relating to the use of verbs, both kinds of discourse are characterized by a different use of the persons of conjugation, a lexically and semantically different selection of verbs and also diverse syntactic use of verbs. In this article, I show how both kinds of discourses appear in the broadcasting media, focusing on the use of verbs.

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