In 2011 a discovery was made at the Department of Prints and Drawings of the National Museum in Warsaw – a drawing hitherto described as a Kneeling knight by an anonymous seventeenth-century artist, turned out to be Joan of Arc, a sketch well-known to art historians studying the oeuvre of Peter Paul Rubens, although thought to be lost during the Second World War. The drawing, until now known only through the black and white photograph, could be thoroughly analysed for the first time. In the context of information thus obtained, the historical context of creating the sketch transpired as an equally important matter, including the hypothetical role that may have been played in its creation by Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc.
Borusowski, Piotr. 2014. “Zaginiony i odnaleziony: Rysunek Klęcząca Joanna d’Arc Petera Paula Rubensa w Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie / Lost and Found. A Drawing of Joan of Arc by Peter Paul Rubens at the National Museum in Warsaw.” Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie. Nowa Seria / Journal of the National Museum in Warsaw. New Series 3(39): 286-332.
Du Lys, Charles. 1613. Recueil de plusieurs inscriptions pour les statues du roy Charles VII et de la Pucelle d’Orléans qui sont eslevées… sur le pont de la ville d’Orléans, dès l’an 1458, et de diverses poésies faictes à la louange de la mesme Pucelle. Paris: Edme Martin.
Du Lys, Charles. 1628. Recueil de plusieurs inscriptions proposées pour remplir les tables d’attente estans sous les statues du Roy Charles VII et de la Pucelle d’Orléans, qui sont élevées, également armées, et à genoux, aux deux costez d’une Croix, et de l’image de la Vierge Marie estant au pied d’icelle, sur le pont de la ville d’Orléans, dès l’an 1458. Et de diverses poésies faites à la loüage de la mesme Pucelle, de ses frères et de leur postérité... Paris: Edme Martin.
Gassendi, Pierre. [1641]. Viri illustris N.C. Fabricii de Peiresc… vita. The Hague: n.p. 298.
Hordal, Jean. 1612. Heroinae nobilissimae Ioannae Darc... historia. Port-a-Musson: Apud Melchiorem Bernardum.
Jaffé, David. 1997. “Reproducing and Reading Gems in Rubens’s Circle.” Engraved Gems: Survivals and Revivals. Studies in the History of Art 54. Ed. C.M. Brown. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art. 181-193.
Judson, J. Richard, and Carl van de Velde. 1977. Book Illustrations and Title Pages. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard 21. London-Philadelphia: Harvey Miller-Heyden&Son. Vol. 1. 214-215. Cat. no. 47a. Vol. 2. Figs. 159, 160.
Logan, Anne-Marie, and Michiel C. Plomp. 2005. Peter Paul Rubens: The Drawings. Exh. cat. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. New York-New Haven: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale University Press. 116-117.
Lohse Belkin, Kristin, and Fiona Healy. 2004. A House of Art: Rubens as a Collector. Exh. cat. Rubenshuis. Cat. no. 18 Schoten: BAI. 140-142.
McGrath, Elizabeth. 1997. “Rubens: Subjects from History.” 2 vols. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard 13 (I). Cat. nos. 57 and 57a. London: Harvey Miller Publishers.
Meulen, Marjon van der. 1997. “Nicolas Fabri de Peiresc and Antique Glyptic.” Engraved Gems: Survivals and Revivals. Studies in the History of Art. 54. Ed. C.M. Brown. . Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art. 195-227.
Müller Hofstede, Justus. 1965. “Beitrage zum zeichnerischen Werk von Rubens,” Wallraf- -Richartz-Jahrbuch 27: 304-306.
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Weller, Dennis P. 2009. Seventeenth-Century Dutch and Flemish Paintings. Coll. cat. North Carolina Museum of Art. Cat. no. 65. Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art. 311-315.
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