Karaite Education in Crimea at the End of the 19th Century: An Unknown Resolution


Karaite Education
Karaites in Cirmea
Karaites in Lithuania
Eliyyahu Bashyatchi
Shelomo ben Aharon

How to Cite

Machcińska, M. (2014). Karaite Education in Crimea at the End of the 19th Century: An Unknown Resolution. Karaite Archives, (2), 59–73. https://doi.org/10.14746/ka.2014.2.03


The article is a contribution to studies of Karaite education in Eastern Europe. It presents an unknown resolution of the Taurida and Odessa Spiritual Consistory dated to 1898, which approved a new system of education in the Karaite communities of the Taurida and Odessa Spiritual Consistory. It was a formal act which approved the transformation of Karaite education, which was gradually taking place in the second half of the 19th century, and its permanent re-alignment in relation to the Russian education system of that time. This resolution is important as it contributed to a decline of the Hebrew language and Hebrew literature in the Karaite community.


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