
sociology of sport
social inclusion
social exclusion

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This issue consists of nine articles, followed by two books reviews. The contributions reveal that the issues of inclusion and exclusion can be analysed in very different contexts of the sports field, with relation to different sports disciplines, and different groups and countries. The authors provide analysis of their own research, analysis of secondary data, as well as theoretical frameworks and a large number of references. The topics raised and case studies analysed are predominantly very recent.


Anderson, Eric. 2002. “Openly Gay Athletes: Contesting Hegemonic Masculinity in a Homophobic Environment.” Gender and Society 16(6): 860–877.

Anderson, Eric. 2011. “Inclusive Masculinities of University Soccer Players in the American Midwest.” Gender and Education 6: 729-744. DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2010.528377

Benn Tansin, Pfister, Gertrud and Haifaa Jawad (eds.). 2010. Muslim Women and Sport. London and New York: Routledge.

Bourdieu, Pierre. 1979. La distinction: critique sociale du jugement. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit.

Butler, Judith. 1990. Gender Trouble. Feminism and Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge.

Cashmore, Ellis. 2010. Making Sense of Sports (5th edition). New York: Routledge.

Collins, Michael F. and Tess Kay. 2003. Sport and Social Exclusion. London: Routledge.

Collins, Michael F., Henry, Ian P. and Barrie M.J. Houlihan. 1999. Sport and social exclusion. Report to Policy Action Team 10 London: DCMS.

Connell, Raewyn W.1987. Gender and Power. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Cooky Cheryl, Messner, Michael A. and Michela Musto. 2015. “‘It’s dude time!’ A quarter century of excluding women’s sports in televised news and highlight shows.” Communication & Sport 3(3): 261–287. DOI: 10.1177/2167479515588761

Crenshaw, Kimberle. 1991. “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color.” Stanford Law Review 43 (6): 1241–99. DOI: 10.2307/1229039

van Dijk, Teun. 2000. “New(s) Racism: A Discourse Analytical Approach”. Pp. 33-49. In Ethnic Minorities and the Media, edited by S. Cottle. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Dowling, Colette. 2000. The Frailty Myth: Redefi ning the Physical Potential of Women and Girls, New York: Random House.

Dubrow, Joshua K. and Jimi Adams. 2010. “Hoop inequalities: Race, class and family structure background and the odds of playing in the National Basketball Association.” International Review for the Sociology of Sport 47(1): 43-59. DOI: 10.1177/1012690210384660

Dworkin Shari L., Messner Michael A. 2002. “Just do… what? Sport, bodies, gender.” Pp. 17-29. In Gender and Sport: A Reader, edited by S. Scraton and A. Flintoff, London: Routledge.

Elling, Agnes and Annelies Knoppers. 2005. “Sport, Gender and Ethnicity: Practises of Symbolic Inclusion/Exclusion”. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 34(3): 257-268. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-005-4311-6

EU Commission 2018. “Special Eurobarometer 472. Sport and Physical Activity.” Retrieved July 13, 2018 (

FRA, 2010. “Racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities in sport.” Retrieved July 13, 2018 (

Giulianotti, Richard, Hognestad, Hans and Ramón Spaaij. 2016. “Sport for development and peace: Power, politics, and patronage.” Journal of Global Sport Management 1(3-4): 129-141. DOI: 10.1080/24704067.2016.1231926

Griffin, Pat. 1998. Strong Women, Deep Closets: Lesbians and Homophobia in Sport. Champaign, IL.: Human Kinetics.

Hanrahan, Stephanie J. 2007. Athletes with Disabilities. Pp. 845-858. In Handbook of Sport Psychology, edited by G. Tenenbaum, R.C. Eklund. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Hardman, Ken and Joe Marshall. 2000. A worldwide survey of the state and status of school PE. Manchester: Manchester University.

Hargreaves, Jennifer. 1994. Sporting Females. Critical Issues in the History and Sociology of Women’s Sports. London: Routledge.

Hartmann, Douglas. 2001. “Notes on Midnight Basketball and the Cultural Politics of Race and At-Risk Urban Youth.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 25: 339-371. DOI: 10.1177/0193723501254002

Hovden, Jorid. 2000. “‘Heavyweight’ men and younger women? The gendering of selection processes in Norwegian sport organizations.” NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 8(1): 17–32. DOI: 10.1080/080387400408035

Jakubowska, Honorata. 2015. “Are women still the ‘other sex’: gender and sport in the Polish mass media.” Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics 18(2): 168-185. DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2013.854464

Kang, Joe Wan. 2013. “Perceived Constraints on Sport Participation among Young Koreans in Australia.” International Journal of Sport and Health Sciences 7(5): 1321-1327.

Kennett, Chris. 2013. The Evaluation of Sport and Social Inclusion Policy Programmes. Routledge Handbook of Sports Policy. Abingdon: Routledge.

Lenskyj, Helene. 2003. Out on the Field: Gender, Sport and Sexualities, Toronto: Women’s Press of Canada.

McCormack, Mark. 2011. “Hierarchy Without Hegemony: Locating Boys in an Inclusive School Setting.” Sociological Perspectives 1: 83–101.

McCormack, Mark and Eric Anderson. 2014. “Homohysteria: Definitions, Context and Intersectionality.” Sex Roles 3: 152–158. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-014-0401-9

Pfister, Gertud. 2013. “Gender and sport – empirical data and theoretical considerations”. Człowiek i Społeczeństwo XXXVI(1): 39-56.

Pfister, Gertrud and Sabine Radtke. 2009. “Sport, women and leadership: Results of a project on executives in German sports organizations.” European Journal of Sport Science 9: 229–243. DOI: 10.1080/17461390902818286

Rees, Leanne, Robinson, Priscilla and Nora Shields. 2017. “Media portrayal of elite athletes with disability – a systematic review.” Disability and Rehabilitation. Published online 10 November 2017. DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1397775.

Sawrikar, Pooja and Kristy Muir. 2010. “The Myth of a ‘Fair Go’: Barriers to Sport and Recreational Participation among Indian and Other Ethnic Minority Women in Australia.” Sport Management Review 13(4): 355-367. DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2010.01.005

Scheerder, Jeroen, Vanreusel, Bart and Marijke Taks. 2005. “Stratification Patterns of Active Sport Involvement Among Adults: Social Change and Persistence.” International Review for the Sociology of Sport 40(2): 139–162. DOI: 10.1177/1012690205057191

Sherry, Emma; Osborne, Angela and Matthew Nichols. 2016. “Images of sport women: A review.” Sex Roles 74: 299–309. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-015-0493-x

Silva, Carla F. and David P. Howe. 2012. “The (In)validity of Supercrip Representation of Paralympian Athletes.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 36(2): 174-194. DOI: 10.1177/0193723511433865

Smith, Brett and Andrew C. Sparkes. 2008. “Changing Bodies, Changing Narratives and the Consequences of Tellability: A Case Study of Becoming Disabled Through Sport.” Sociology of Health & Illness 30(2): 217–236. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2007.01033.x

Spaaij Ramón, Magee, Jonathan and Ruth Jeanes R. 2014. Sport and Social Exclusion in Global Society. Abingdon: Routledge.

Sugden John and Alan Tomlinson. 2002. “Theorizing Sport, Class and Status”. Pp. 309-321. In Handbook of Sport Studies edited by J. Coakley, E. Dunning. London: SAGE Publications.

Taylor, Tracy. 2004. “The Rhetoric of Exclusion: Perspectives of Cultural Diversity in Australian Netball.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 28: 453-476. DOI: 10.1177/0193723504269881

Tsai, Eva H. and Denis J. Coleman. 1999. “Leisure Constraints of Chinese Immigrants: An Exploratory Study.” Society and Leisure 22: 243-261. DOI: 10.1080/07053436.1999.10715587

UNOSDP n.d. “Sport and the sustainable developments goals. An overview outlining the contribution of sport to the SDGs.” Retrieved July 13, 2018 (

White, Philip and William McTeer. 2012. “Socioeconomic status and sport participation at different developmental stages during childhood and youth: Multivariate analyses using Canadian national survey data.” Sociology of Sport Journal 29: 186–209. DOI: 10.1123/ssj.29.2.186

Wilson, Thomas C. 2002. “The Paradox of Social Class and Sports Involvement: The Roles of Cultural and Economic Capital.” International Review for the Sociology of Sport 37(1): 5–16. DOI: 10.1177/1012690202037001001