Research on the representation of emotion in human memory has focused on the ways in which words that label an emotion (e.g., love, joy) or represent emotional components (e.g., death, butterfly) are learned, stored, and retrieved from memory. The current work reviews the ways in which these types of words have been distinguished from concrete and abstract words, the types of methodologies used to distinguish among word groups, and the ways in which these words are automatically processed in the bilingual speaker. While emotion words may be more readily processed and retrieved when they appear in the first language, other word types that are neutral with regards to arousal and valence may be processed similarly across languages. The current work also illustrates the ways in which this knowledge is important in advancing theories of language and cognition, attention, perception, and mental health. Future directions are discussed that elucidate the further applications of these interesting lines of research.
Altarriba, J. 2003. “Does cariño equal “liking”? A theoretical approach to conceptual nonequivalence between languages”. International Journal of Bilingualism 7(3). 305–322.
Altarriba, J. 2013. “Emotion, memory, and bilingualism”. In: Altarriba, J. and R. Heredia (eds.), Foundations of bilingual memory. New York, NY: Springer. 85–203.
Altarriba, J. and D.M. Basnight-Brown. 2011. “The representation of emotion vs. emotion-laden words in English and Spanish in the Affective Simon Task”. International Journal of Bilingualism 15(3). 310–328.
Altarriba, J. and L.M. Bauer. 2004. “The distinctiveness of emotion concepts: A comparison between emotion, abstract, and concrete words”. The American Journal of Psychology. 389–410.
Altarriba, J., L.M. Bauer and C. Benvenuto. 1999. “Concreteness, context availability, and imagability ratings and word associations for abstract, concrete, and emotion words”. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Comput-ers 31(4). 578–602.
Altarriba, J. and T.M. Canary. 2004. “The influence of emotional arousal on affective priming in monolingual and bilingual speakers”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 25(2–3). 248–265.
Altarriba, J. and R. Heredia. 2001. “Bilingual language mixing: Why do bilinguals code-switch?” Current Directions in Psychological Science 10(5). 164–168.
Altarriba, J. and R.G. Morier. 2004. “Bilingualism: Language, emotion and mental health”. In: Bhatia, T.K. and W.C. Rithcie (eds.), The handbook of bilingualism. Oxford: Blackwell. 250–280.
Altarriba, J. and A.L. Santiago-Rivera. 1994. “Current perspectives on using linguistic and cultural factors in counseling the Hispanic client”. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 25(4). 388–397.
Ayçiçegi-Dinn, A. and C.L. Caldwell-Harris. 2009. “Emotion-memory effects in bilingual speakers: A levels-of-processing approach”. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 12(3). 291–303.
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de Mendoza, H.A. 2008. “The problem of translation in cross-cultural research on emotion concepts (Commentary on Choi & Han)”. International Journal for Dialogical Science 3(1). 241–248.
Degner, J., C. Doycheva and D. Wentura. 2011. “It matters how much you talk: On the automaticity of affective connotations of first and second language words”. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 15(1). 181–189.
Dewaele, J.-M. and S. Nakano. 2012. “Multilinguals’ perceptions of feeling different when switching languages”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 34(2). 107–120.
Dewaele, J.‐M. and A. Pavlenko. 2002. “Emotion vocabulary in interlanguage”. Language Learning 52(2). 263–322.
Eilola, T.M. and J. Havelka. 2011. “Behavioural and physiological responses to the emotional and taboo Stroop tasks in native and non-native speakers of English”. International Journal of Bilingualism 15(3). 353–369.
Eilola, T.M., J. Havelka and D. Sharma. 2007. “Emotional activation in the first and second language”. Cognition and Emotion 21(5). 1064–1076.
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Santiago-Rivera, A.L. and J. Altarriba. 2002. “The role of language in therapy with the Spanish-English bilingual client”. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 33(1). 30–38.
Santiago-Rivera, A.L., J. Altarriba, N. Poll, N. Gonzalez-Miller and C. Cragun. 2009. “Therapists’ views on working with bilingual Spanish–English speak-ing clients: A qualitative investigation”. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 40(5). 436–443.
Schrauf, R.W. 2000. “Bilingual autobiographical memory: Experimental studies and clinical cases”. Culture & Psychology 6(4). 387–417.
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Simcox, T., M. Pilotti, S. Mahamane and E. Romero. 2012. “Does the language in which aversive stimuli are presented affect their processing?” International Journal of Bilingualism 16(4). 419–427.
Sutton, T.M. and J. Altarriba. 2011. “The automatic activation and perception of emotion in word processing: Evidence from a modified dot probe paradigm”. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 23(6). 736–747.
Sutton, T.M., J. Altarriba, J.L. Gianico and D.M. Basnight-Brown. 2007. “The automatic access of emotion: Emotional Stroop effects in Spanish–English bilingual speakers”. Cognition and Emotion 21(5). 1077–1090.
Wang, Q. 2011. “Autobiographical memory and culture”. Online readings in psychology and culture, Unit 5. (Retrieved from http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/orpc/vol5/iss2/2 .)
Wu, Y.J. and G. Thierry. 2012. “How reading in a second language protects your heart”. The Journal of Neuroscience 32(19). 6485–6489.
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