An Early North-Western Karaim Bible Translation from 1720. Part 1. The Torah


western Karaim Bible translation
historical phonology of Karaim
vowel harmony
consonant harmony in north-western Karaim

How to Cite

Németh, M. (2014). An Early North-Western Karaim Bible Translation from 1720. Part 1. The Torah. Karaite Archives, (2), 109–141.


In this article an early Bible translation into north-western Karaim is described. The manuscript, written in Hebrew script (in its Karaim semi-cursive variant), dates back to 1720, which makes it the oldest western Karaim Bible translation to be hitherto critically analysed. The manuscript was copied in Kukizów by Simcha ben Chananiel (died in the 1720s). The language of the manuscript reveals archaic features, among others, consonant harmony in the process of emerging.


This project was financed by the National Science Centre of Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki)

grant number DEC-2011/03/D/HS2/00618

and by The Na-tional Institute of Museology and Collections Protection of Poland (Narodowy Instytut Muzealnictwa i Ochrony Zbiorów)

grant number 00497/12/FPK/NIMOZ.


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