An Ontology for the In-Between of Motion: Aristotle’s Reaction to Zeno’s Arguments


Aristotle’s Physics
change. continuous
Zeno of Elea

How to Cite

Crubellier, M. (2021) “An Ontology for the In-Between of Motion: Aristotle’s Reaction to Zeno’s Arguments”, Peitho. Examina Antiqua, 12(1), pp. 123–150. doi: 10.14746/10.14746/pea.2021.1.7.


This paper proposes an interpretation of Books V and VI of Aristotle’s Physics as being (at least partly) a reaction to Zeno’s four “arguments against motion” that Aristotle expounds and discusses in Phys. VI 9. On the basis of a detailed textual analysis of that chapter, I show that Zeno’s arguments rest on a frame of a priori notions such as part and whole, in contact, between, limit, etc., which Aristotle takes over in order to account for the inner structure (here called “the In-Between”) common to all facts of motion and change. That frame allows him to develop a specific ontology for that inner structure – although it exists only potentially according to the Aristotelian orthodoxy – because he needs such an ontology in order to vindicate the reality of motion and change.


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