»Megiston Agathon« (Pl. Ap., 38 a) – The Heart of Socrates’ Life and Philosophical Challenge
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the greatest good

How to Cite

Wesoły, M. (2011) “»Megiston Agathon« (Pl. Ap., 38 a) – The Heart of Socrates’ Life and Philosophical Challenge”, Peitho. Examina Antiqua, 2(1), pp. 93–110. doi: 10.14746/pea.2011.1.6.


We suggest a certain minimal approach to the historical Socrates on the basis of Plato’s Apology. This text makes it possible to reconstruct the authentic charge and the defense line of Socrates, as well as his motivation and the quintessence of his philosophical challenge. The most important thing is what the philosopher says in the face of his death sentence: that the greatest good for a man is to live an examined life focusing on virtues and ethical values. Unfortunately, the preponderance of studies, even the most recent ones, fail to recognize the philosopher’s provocative challenge, whilst it is not only a crucial motif in the Socratic examining (ἐξετάζειν), i.e. testing the interlocutors’ knowledge by means of irony, elenchos and aporia, but also an inspiration for his direct and indirect followers in seeking virtues and the greatest good.
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