Aristotle’s Book Delta of the Metaphysics. ΠΕΡΙ ΤΩΝ ΠΟΣΑΧΩΣ ΛΕΓΟΜΕΝΩΝ Η ΚΑΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΘΕΣΙΝ On Terms Which Are Said in Many Ways or by Virtue of Addition
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Aristotle’s Metaphysics
book Delta
predicating in various ways
essential and additional

How to Cite

Wesoły, M. A. (2016) “Aristotle’s Book Delta of the Metaphysics. ΠΕΡΙ ΤΩΝ ΠΟΣΑΧΩΣ ΛΕΓΟΜΕΝΩΝ Η ΚΑΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΘΕΣΙΝ On Terms Which Are Said in Many Ways or by Virtue of Addition”, Peitho. Examina Antiqua, 7(1), pp. 87–122. doi: 10.14746/pea.2016.1.5.


This paper offers a new Polish translation of Aristotle’s Book Delta of his
Metaphysics. It takes into account its original title and subtitle that have
been preserved in ancient catalogues. It is argued that the title and subtitle
did not concerns any “ambiguity” of expressions as it is often mistakenly
assumed, but rather the many ways of predicating (πολλαχῶς
λέγεται) of various terms. Nor is it a typical lexicon of philosophical
concepts, but rather a methodical survey of certain expressions that
begin with physical and categorical specifications to make the terminological
domain of the first philosophy more precise.
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