Garden—non-garden. Contemporary trends in transformation of greenery as an instrument in the contest for the city
"Polish Journal of Landscape Studies" 1(2-3), 2018
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landscape architecture
urban garden

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Gawryszewska, B. J. (2019). Garden—non-garden. Contemporary trends in transformation of greenery as an instrument in the contest for the city. Polish Journal of Landscape Studies, 1(2-3), 57–82.


The aim of the paper is to characterize contemporary transformation of urban greenery, which rely on the image of garden in order to arrive at a “garden-like” character of the cityscape. It also demonstrates how the image of garden is applied in the city as a new tool of social communication in the course of democratic transformation of the urban space. The author discusses the origins of the garden-image and the “garden-like” character of space, providing examples of how it is used today in the cityscape by the inhabitants, activists, designers and artists. The text introduces a range of informal, Polish projects of urban gardens and spaces drawing on its image, describing their novel role in building the vernacular landscape of a city.
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