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Rahmani, L., & Messaoudene, M. (2019). THE ROLE OF A POSITIVE SPIRIT IN THE ATTRACTIVENESS, SOCIABILITY AND SUCCESS OF A PUBLIC PLACE. Quaestiones Geographicae, 38(4), 49–62.


The objective of this article is to highlight the role of the spirit as an intangible component in the attractiveness, conviviality and success of public places. The comparative study, which covers two public places having the same typo-morphology and sharing the same geographical and sociocultural context, aims to measure the spirits of these two places. The study is based on a theoretical conceptualisation and quantitative analysis of data collected using a measurement tool having satisfactory psychometric qualities. The two main statistical techniques employed are the relative importance index (RII) and the T-test. The results of the study show that the valence1  of the spirit affects the attractiveness, the conviviality and the success of public places.

1Kurt Lewin was one of the first to use the word ‘valence’. This is in a way synonymous with the value of psychic force with a positive or negative polarity and a degree of high, low or neutral intensity (Rainio 2009).


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