Interpretative machine learning as a key in recognizing the variability of lakes trophy patterns


total phosphorus
interpretative machine learning
random forest
Masurian lakes

How to Cite

Jasiewicz, J., Zawiska, I., Rzodkiewicz, M., & Woszczyk, M. (2022). Interpretative machine learning as a key in recognizing the variability of lakes trophy patterns. Quaestiones Geographicae, 41(1), 127–146.


The paper presents an application of interpretative machine learning to identify groups of lakes not with similar features but with similar potential factors influencing the content of total phosphorus – Ptot. The method was developed on a sample of 60 lakes from North-Eastern Poland and used 25 external explanatory variables. Selected variables are stable over a long time, first group includes morphometric parameters of lakes and the second group en- compass watershed geometry geology and land use. Our method involves building a regression model, creating an ex- plainer, finding a set of mapping functions describing how each variable influences the outcome, and finally clustering objects by ’the influence’. The influence is a non-linear and non-parametric transformation of the explanatory variables into a form describing a given variable impact on the modeled feature. Such a transformation makes group data on the functional relations between the explanatory variables and the explained variable possible. The study reveals that there are five clusters where the concentration of Ptot is shaped similarly. We compared our method with other numerical analyses and showed that it provides new information on the catchment area and lake trophy relationship.


This work was founded by Polish National Science Center No.2016/23/D/ST10/03071 Czego możemy nauczyć się od wioślarek (Cladocera)? Wykorzystanie zbioru testowego i nowoczesnych metod statystycznych do rekonstrukcji zmian środowiska.


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