This article presents the results of research on the changes and variability of snow cover in Kraków in the 100-year period 1921/22–2020/21 and in its two sub-periods covering the years of the slow and rapid territorial, urban and industrial development of Kraków (respectively, 1921/22–1960/61 and 1961/62–2020/21). The long-term variability of the number of days with snow cover, the maximum depth of the snow layer, the dates of the beginning and end of snow cover duration in the winter season, the potential snow cover duration and the index of snow cover stability were analysed. The directions of changes in the snow cover in the last 100 winter seasons in Kraków correspond to the global changes in air temperature presented in the latest IPCC reports: until the end of the 1950s there were no significant trends, or only small trends were observed, whereas from the beginning of the 1960s faster changes in the snow cover duration and maximum seasonal snow depth have been visible. In the last 60 years (1961/62–2020/21), the impact of global changes in Kraków has been joined by the impact of territorial, demographic and industrial development of the city, causing significant negative trends in snow cover with relative values of less than −9% ∙ 10 years−1, both in the case of snow cover duration and its maximum depth in the winter season; these changes are statistically significant. Throughout the whole 100-year period (1921/22–2020/21) and in its second part (1961/62–2020/21), a decrease in snow cover stability has also been observed.
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