Although Bratislava is one of the youngest national capital cities in the world, we can observe a much longer process of its capital-making. We document its gradual formation as a centre of national politics and government, as well as the centre of national culture and national symbol. Bratislava confirms the impact of assumptions and experiences as a sometimes-interim capital city and regional capital within Czechoslovakia. Facing a sudden takeover of the national capital function, we document the process of national capital-making from 1993 in more detail. There were various obstacles in key political, governmental and cultural institution-building. They are demonstrated by their headquarters location search and development, as well as in the context of interurban competition. We argue that Bratislava has already concentrated the majority of political and cultural centre functions of the state capital, despite historical turbulences and accompanying constraints. We identify their location patterns and illustrate their impact on the urban physical development of the city.
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Legislation (available in Slovak or Czech):
Act 24/1948 on Slovak National Gallery
Act 53/1959 on a unified system of libraries
Act 109/1961 on museums and galleries
Act 43/1968 on the capital city of Slovakia Bratislava
Act 143/1968 on Czechoslovak federation
Act 377/1990 on the capital city of Bratislava
Act 460/1992 Constitution of the Slovak Republic
Act 241/1994 on the city of Martin as a centre of national culture of Slovaks
Act 68/1997 on Matica Slovenská
Act 385/1997 on Slovak National Theatre
Act 183/2000 on libraries
Act 206/2009 on museums and galleries
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