Educational Tourism in Protected Natural Areas in South-East of the Baikal Region
Journal cover Quaestiones Geographicae, volume 35, no. 1, year 2016


protected areas
ecological path
lake Baikal
Baikal region

How to Cite

Chizhova, V., Kirillov, S., & Slipenchuk, M. (2016). Educational Tourism in Protected Natural Areas in South-East of the Baikal Region. Quaestiones Geographicae, 35(1), 63–68.


The paper presents the implementation of the strategy of development of tourism in the south-east of the Baikal region on the territory of the Baikal Biosphere reserve and its subordinate federal sanctuaries. as a result of the field research conducted in the summer of 2014 by a group of staff and students of the Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State university, a project of a tour route for the development of ecotourism and environmental education in the territory of Altacheysky sanctuary has been proposed.


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