Initial Assessment of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model for Forecasting Bioclimatic Conditions During Breeze Circulation – Case Study of the Słowiński National Park


breeze circulation
sea breeze index
the Słowiński National Park
bioclimatic conditions

How to Cite

Czernecki, B., & Półrolniczak, M. (2013). Initial Assessment of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model for Forecasting Bioclimatic Conditions During Breeze Circulation – Case Study of the Słowiński National Park. Quaestiones Geographicae, 32(3), 5–14.


Land-sea interaction at the Polish Baltic Coast impacts the specific local climate conditions. Thermally driven circulation, observed mainly in the summer season, causes the advection of the cool sea air over land and influences the local atmospheric environment, including bioclimatic conditions. The aim of this paper is to present the evaluation of the WRF model for forecasting sensitive bioclimatic conditions on a selected day with sea breeze in the vicinity of the Łeba Sandbar (the Słowiński National Park). The results obtained from a numerical weather prediction model were post-processed to calculate the daily variability of two biothermal indices: the Effective Temperature (ET) and the Dry Cooling Power (H). To evaluate the thermal comfort of a person wearing typical clothes, the Michajlow’s, Petrovič and Kacvińsky’s scales were adopted. A detailed analysis performed for 31st July 2010 shows in most cases a satisfactory level of agreement between the simulated data and the in-situ measurements for nested domains with horizontal grid resolution less than 2 km. However, the simulation results tend to underestimate the thermal comfort, especially in the middle part of the Łeba Sandbar due to terrain data misrepresentations, which results in the overestimation of wind speed.


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