On the Implications of Knowledge Bases for Regional Innovation Policies in Germany


regional innovation policy
place-based approach
knowledge bases

How to Cite

Hassink, R., Plum, O., & Rickmers, A. (2014). On the Implications of Knowledge Bases for Regional Innovation Policies in Germany. Quaestiones Geographicae, 33(4), 7–16. https://doi.org/10.2478/quageo-2014-0045


Regional innovation policies have been criticised for being too standardised, one-size-fits-all and place-neutral in character. Embedded in these debates, this paper has two aims: first, to analyse whether industries with different knowledge bases in regions in Germany have different needs for regional innovation policies, and secondly, to investigate whether knowledge bases can contribute to the fine-tuning of regional innovation policies in particular and to a modern, tailor-made, place-based regional innovation policy in general. It concludes that although needs differ due to differences in knowledge bases, those bases are useful only to a limited extent in fine-tuning regional innovation policies



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