We introduce three related mathematical measures of terrain based on a particularly elegant combination of relief and steepness, which we term omnidirectional relief and steepness (ORS). One measure, reduced ORS (RORS), is particularly suited to creating lists of notable features, and another, domain relief and steepness (DRS), measures the ruggedness of a region.
National Geodetic Survey Datasheets, http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/datasheet.prl
British Columbia GNIS Query Page, http://www.ilmb.gov.bc.ca/bcgn-bin/bcg10?name=25218
Topographic prominence, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topographic_prominence
Earl E., Metzler D., 2013. A new topographic functional. Solstice: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics, vol. XXIV, no. 2. Ann Arbor: Institute of Mathematical Geography. http://www.imagenet.org/
Fourteener, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteener
© 2015 Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University.
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