AAF (eds.) 1984. Ainu seikatsushi. Ainu mukei minzoku bunkazai-no kiroku// Ainu life and custom. Reports on the Ainu folklore. Sapporo: AAF. This volume includes a relatively extensive (about 1300 entries) Ainu-English “Index & Glossary” 250–279.『アイヌ生活誌. アイヌ無形民俗文化財の記録』
Adami, Norbert Richard 1981. Verzeichnis der europäischsprachigen Literatur über die Ainu. WOH.
Adami, Norbert R[ichard] (author-editor) 1991. Ainu minzoku bunken mokuroku – Oubunhen // Bibliography of materials on the Ainu in European languages. Translated by Kosaka Yōsuke. Sapporo: Sapporo-do Booksellers. ノルベルト R アダミ編著 .『アイヌ民族文献目録 – 欧文編』. 小坂洋右訳. 札幌: サッポロ堂書店.
Angelis, Girolamo (here: Jeronimo) de 1621. “Relação do reino de Yezo que o Padre Francisco Pacheco me pedio por ordem dos Superiores”. In: Cieslik 1962: (29)–(39).
Angelis, Girolamo de 1624. “Relatione del Regno di Iezo”. In: Relatione di alcvne cose Cauate dalle lettere scritte ne gli anni 1619. 1620. & 1621. dal Giappone. Al molto Reu. in Christo P. Mvtio Vitelleschi Preposito Generale della Compagnia di Giesu. Roma: Erede di Bartolomeo Zannetti. 217–232 (the lexical material printed on pp. 229–230). 1625 (2nd). Milano: Gli eredi di Pacifico Pontio & Gio. Battista Piccaglia, Stampatori Archiepiscopali. 190–203 (the lexical material printed on pp. 200–202). The latter reproduced in: Kodama Sakuzaemon 1941. “De Anjerisu-no Ezokoku hōkoku-ni tsuite // On the “Relatione del Regno di Iezo” by de Angelis”. Hoppō Bunka Kenkyū Hōkoku 4: 201–296. The title page of the former in Kodama 1970: 18 (sec. 1). 児玉作佐衛門. 「デ·アンジェリスの蝦夷國報告書に就て」.『 北方文化研究報告』.
Asai, Tôru 1974. “Classification of dialects: cluster analysis of Ainu dialects”. Hoppō Bunka Kenkyū 『北方文化研究』8: 45–136.
Batchelor, John 1887. “A Grammar of the Ainu Language”. MLC 1: 77–36.
Batchelor, John 1889. An Ainu-English-Japanese dictionary and grammar. Tokyo: Printed for the Hokkaido Cho by Y Kumata. [separate pagination following the Grammar, pp. 1–289; the grammar is entitled “Introduction”, pp, 4–80 (separate pagination)]. Reprint 1975 Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai (includes an “explanation” by Masaaki Sōgō, pp 1 – concluding the volume). 『蝦和英三對辭書 完』. 明治二十二年六月出版. 北海道廳藏版.付: 惣郷正明「概説 解説」. 東京都: 国書刊行会.
Batchelor, John 1905. An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary (including a grammar of the Ainu language). Second edition. Tokyo: Methodist Publishing House & London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co. [separate pagination preceding “The Grammar”, pp. 1–525; “A grammar of the Ainu language”, pp. 1–160 (separate pagination)]. 『アイヌ英和辭典及アイヌ語文典』. 東京都: 教文館.
Batchelor, John 1925. The pit dwellers of Hokkaido and Ainu place-names considered. Sapporo [no publisher indicated]. Republished 1981 as a separate brochure in Motomichi Kōno’s box collection of sources on Ainu history Ainushi shiryōshū, hokan, jiten, shoshihen. Sapporo: Hokkaidō Shuppan Kikaku Sentā. 河野本道選 .『アイヌ史資料集。補巻 辞典・書誌編』.札幌市: 北海道出版企画センター.
Batchelor, John 1926. An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary (third edition). Tokyo: Kyobunkan & London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co. [separate pagination, following “The Grammar” pp. 1–56, followed by “An English-Ainu Vocabulary”, pp. 1-98; “The Grammar” pp. 1–119 (separate pagination)]. Reprint 1996 as EEWL vol. 4. ヂヨン·バチェラー. 『アイヌ英和辭典』. 東京都: 教文館.
[Batchelor, John] 1932. Appendix to the third edition of Dr. Batchelor’s Ainu Dictionary. Sapporo: Printer S. Inoue. Pp. [1-2+] 1–53.
Batchelor, John 1938. An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary [...] Fourth Edition. Tokyo: Iwanami Syoten [separate pagination, following “The Grammar” pp. 1–581, followed by “An English-Ainu Vocabulary”, pp. 1-100; “The Grammar” pp. 1–145 (separate pagination), includes an anthology of texts on pp. 105–145].
Reprints 1981, 1995 (includes Suzuko Tamura’s Japanese-language assessment essay „on Batchelor’s dictionary”, pp. 1–21, concluding the volume)]. ジヨン·バチラー.『アイヌ英和辭典』. 付: 田村すヾ子 「バチラーの辞典について」. 東京都: 岩波書店.
Berlioz, Alexandre [Bishop Alexander of Hakodate 15 ] 1928. “Ainu kashiaopiuki kusu an pon kampi // De hominum salute tractans libellus”. In: Petite Catéchisme Aino // Parvus Catechismus Aino. Hongkong: Nazareth. 25–49.
Bugaeva, Anna 2004. Grammar and folklore texts of the Chitose dialect of Ainu (idiolect of Ito Oda). “Grammar of the Chitose dialect of Ainu (idiolect of Ito Oda)”, pp. 1–107. “Annotated folklore texts of the Chitose dialect of Ainu recited by Ito Oda”, pp. 109–422. “Index” of Ainu words, pp. 425–87. Suita: Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim.
Chamberlain, Basil Hall 1887. “The language, mythology, and geographical nomenclature of Japan viewed in the light of Aino studies”. MLC 1: 1–75. (See the title page of the journal in the section on grammars in this survey.)
Cieslik, Hubert (ed.) 1962. Hoppō tankenki – Genna nenkan-ni okeru gaikokujin-no Ezo hōkokusho [foreigners’ reports concerning Ezo ~ Hokkaido of the Genna (1615–1624) period]. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan. H. チースリク編. 『北方探検記 – 元和年間に於ける外国人の蝦夷報告書』. 東京都: 吉川弘文館.
CWBP 1–4. The Collected Works of Bronisław Piłsudski. Trends in Linguistics. Documentation 15. Berlin/New York/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter / De Gruyter Mouton.
CWBP-1. Volume 1, The aborigines of Sakhalin, edited by Alfred F. Majewicz. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Text “On rearing the bear”, pp. 558–61.
CWBP-2. Volume 2, Materials for the study of the Ainu language and folklore (Cracow 1912), edited by Alfred F. Majewicz. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Reprint of Piłsudski 1912, pp. 1–272; Majewicz and Majewicz 1986, pp. 307–872.
CWBP-3. Volume 3, Materials for the study of the Ainu language and folklore 2, reconstructed, translated, and edited by Alfred F. Majewicz, with the assistance of Elżbieta Majewicz. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 2004. “Ainu texts”, pp. 251–417. DOI:
CWBP-4. Volume 4, Materials for the study of Tungstic languages and folklore, reconstructed, translated, and edited by Alfred F. Majewicz, with the assistance of Larisa V. Ozoliņa, Mikhail D. Simonov, Tatyana Bulgakova, Elżbieta Majewicz, Tatyana P. Roon, Tomasz Wicherkiewicz, Werner Winter. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Dal Corso, Elia 2021. The language and folklore of West Sakhalin Ainu. A re-edition of Murasaki Kyōko's “Karafuto Ainugo” with translation and grammatical notes. Monaco: LINCOM. [Data for the original Japanese editions, see Murasaki 1976].
Davydov, Gavrila Ivanovich 1812. “Словарь нарѣчiй народовъ, обитающихъ на южной оконечности полуострова Cахалина, собранный на мѣстѣ покойным лейтенантомъ Гаврилою Давыдовымъ” [dictionary of ethnolects of the peoples inhabiting the southern recesses of the Sakhalin peninsula collected on location by the late lieutenant Gavrila Davydov]. In [Ivan Fyodorovich] Kruzenshtern Путешествiе вокругъ свѣта въ 1803, 4, 5 и 1806 годахъ По повелѣнию Его Императорскаго Величества Александра Перваго на корабляхъ Надеждѣ и Невѣ подъ начальствомъ Флота Капитанъ-Лейтенанта, ныне Капитана втораго ранга, Крузенштерна, Государстеннаго Адмиралтейскаго Департамента и Императорской Академiи Наукъ Члена .Часть третiя. [Circumnavigation in 1803–1806 on ships Nadezhda and Neva]. Vol. 3, 342–380. St. Petersburg: Morskaya Tipografiya. German version, see Krusenstern 1813.
Dening, Walter 1881. “A Vocabulary of Aino Words, 1–3”. The Chrysanthemum, A monthly magazine for Japan and the Far East (Yokohama) 1/9: 333–337; 1/11: 431–436; 1/12: 487–492. Also in EEWL-2.
Depreradovich et al. 2017. Ф. М. Депрерадович [&] М. М. Добротворский [&] А. В. Васильев Аборигены Сахалина глазами русских офицеров (1860–1870) [F[yodor] M[ikhaylovich] Depreradovich [&] M[ikhail] M[ikhaylovich] Dobrotvorskiy [&] A[leksey] V[asilyevich] Vasilyev, edited by V[ladislav] M[ikhaylovich] Latyshev and G[alina] I[vanovna] Dudarets, Aborigeny Sakhalina glazami russkikh offitserov (1860–1870) [Aborigenes of Sakhalin in the eyes of Russian military officers]. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Sakhalinskiy oblastnoy krayevedcheskiy muzey [Sakhalin Regional Museum].
Dettmer, Hans Adalbert 1967(1)–1969(2). “Beiträge zur Geschichte der Ainu-Lexikographie”. [part] 1. OE 14: 235–256; [part] 2. OE 16: 15–40.
Dettmer, Hans Adalbert 1980. “Geschichtliches zur Erforschung der Ainu-Sprache”. Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung 1980: 318–336.
Dettmer, Hans Adalbert. 1989 (I)–1997(II). Ainu-Grammatik, Teil I & Teil I/B: Texte und Hinweise; Teil II/A & Teil II/B: Erläuterungen und Register. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
Dettmer, Hans Adalbert 1997a. “Die Autoren von Schriften zur Ainu-Grammatik und ihre Werke”. In: Dettmer 1997 Teil II/A, 392–607, including “Die Ainu-Informanten”, pp. 393–421, “Japanische Wissenschaftler”, pp. 422–520, “Europäische und amerikanische Wissenschaftler”, pp. 521–607.
Dettmer, Hans Adalbert 1997b. “Verzeichnis der benutzten Literatur”. In: Dettmer 1997 Teil II/B, pp. 771–783.
Dobrotvorskiy 1875a. Аинско-русскiй словарь М. М. Добротворскаго [Mikhail Mikhaylovich Dobrotvorskiy’s Ainu-Russian dictionary]. Kazan: v Universitetskoy tipografii [Kazan University Press]. Reprint: EEWL, vol. 3.
Dobrotvorskiy, M[ikhail] M[ikhailovich] 1875b. “Источники къ изученiю айновъ и ихъ языка” [sources for the study of the Ainu and their language]. In: Dobrotvorskiy 1875a, [chapter] I. preceding the dictionary text (separate pagination), pp. 19–30.
Dybowski, cf. Radliński 1891.
EEWCRF. Kirsten Refsing (ed.) 2002. Early European writings on Ainu culture 2. Religion and folklore. Vols. 1–5. The Ainu Library Collection 4. London: Routledge Curzon / Edition Synapse.
EEWCTD. Kirsten Refsing (ed.) 2000. Early European writings on Ainu culture 1. Travelogues and descriptions. Vols. 1–5. The Ainu Library Collection 3. Richmond: Curzon / Edition Synapse.
EEWI. Kirsten Refsing (ed.) 1998. Origins of the Ainu language: the Indo-European controversy. Vols. 1–5. The Ainu Library Collection 2. Richmond: Curzon Press.
EEWL. Kirsten Refsing (ed.) 1996. Early European writings on the Ainu language. Vols. 1–10. The Ainu Library Collection 1. Richmond: Curzon.
Hattori Shirō (ed.) with the assistance of Chiri Mashiho, Kimura Shōichi, Yamamoto Kengo, Mineya Tōru, Kitamura Hajime, Tamura Suzuko 1964. Ainugo hōgen jiten // An Ainu dialect dictionary with Ainu, Japanese and English Indexes. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten. 服部四郎編、協力者: 知里真志保、木村彰一、山本謙吾、三根谷徹 、北村甫、田村すヾ子 .『アイヌ語方言辞典』. 東京都: 岩波書店.
Heinrich, Patrick, Shinsho Miyara and Michinori Shimoji (eds.) 2015. Handbook of the Ryukyuan languages. History, structure, and use. HJLL 11. Berlin/Boston/Munich: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI:
Irimoto, Tadashi 1992. Ainu bibliography. Sapporo: Hokkaido University.
Kayano Shigeru 1978, 1980. Ainu-no mingu [Ainu tools]. Tokyo: Suzusawa Shoten. 萱野茂. 『アイヌの民具』. 東京都: すずさわ書店.
Kayano, Shigeru 2014. Ainu tools. Biratori: Biratori Town Ainu Cultural Promotion Center.
Kodama, Sakuzaemon 1970. Ainu: historical and anthropological studies. Sapporo: Hokkaido University School of Medicine.
Kokuritsu Kokugo Kenkyūjo (compilers and eds.) 1975. Okinawago jiten [dictionary of the Okinawan language]. Tokyo: Ōkurashō Insatsukyoku. Foreword (pp. 1–2) dated 1963. 国立国語研究所編集. 『沖縄語辞典』.東京都: 大蔵省印刷局. 刊行の言葉 昭和 38 年.
Koppelmann, Heinrich 1928. “Die Verwandschaft des Koreanischen und der Ainu-Sprache mit den indogermanischen Sprachen”. Anthropos 23: 199–234.
Koppelmann, Heinrich 1933. Die eurasische Sprachfamilie. Indogermanisch, Koreanisch und Verwandtes. Heilderberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung.
Krasheninnikov, Stepan Petrovich 1755. Описание земли Камчатки [description of the land of Kamchatka]. Vol. 2, p. 184 list of six masculine and four feminine personal names, and pp. 185–188 wordlist of 253 lexical items. St. Peterburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences. The third, the most complete edition published as:
Krasheninnikov 1949. Описание земли Камчатки с приложением рапортов, донесений и других неопубликованных материалов [description of Kamchatka, with unpublished reports, communications, and other material], the material in question appears on pages 470–72. Moskva-Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Glavsevmorputi. English translation: Krasheninnikov, Stepan Petrovich 1972. Explorations of Kamchatka 1735–1741, translated by E. A. P. Crownhart-Vaughan, does not include the Ainu word list. Portland: Oregon Historical Society.
Kruzenshtern 1812, cf. Davydov 1812.
Krusenstern, A[dam] J[ohann] v[on] 1813. “I. Wörtersammlung aus der Sprache der Ainos, der Bewohner der Halbinsel Sachalin, der Insel Jesso, und der sudlichen Kurilen”. Wörter-Sammlungen aus den Sprachen eineger Völker des Östlichen Asiens und der Nordwest-Küste von Amerika. Bekannt gemacht von A. J. v. Krusenstern Capitain der Russisch Kaiserlichen Marine. St. Petersburg: Druckerey der Admiralität. 1–29.
Kubodera Itsuhiko 1977. Ainu jojishi – shin’yō, seiden-no kenkyū [studies of Ainu mythic epics]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten. 久保寺逸彦. 『アイヌ叙事詩 神謡・聖伝の研究』. 東京都: 岩波書店.
Lapérouse [~ LaPérouse ~ La Pérouse ~ La Péyrouse], Jean François [de Galaup, comte] de 1797. “Vocabulaire des habitans de’île Tchoka [Sakhalin] formé à la Baie de Langle”. In [Louis Marie Antoine Destouff de Millet de Mureau ~ Louis-Antoine Millet-Mureau (éditeur)] 1797. Voyage de La Perouse autour du monde, [pendant les années 1785, 1786, 1787 et 1788.] publié comformément au décret du 22 avril 1791, et rédigé par M. L. A. Milet-Mureau [...]. Paris: Imprimerie de la République. Vol. 3, 116–23. Also in EEWL-1. Reproduced in Pfizmaier 1850. English edition e.g.1807 “Vocabulary of the island of Tchoka, formed at Baie de Langle” in A voyage around the world performed in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788 by the Boussole and Astrolabe under the command of J. F. G. de Lapérouse [...], vol. 2, 446-53. London: Lackington, Allen, and Co. Russian editions e.g. as “Словарь народа острова Чока, составленный при посещении залива Де-Лангля” in Жан Франсуа де Лаперуз 2014. Путешествие по всему миру на «Бусоли» и «Астроляби» (pp. 336–337, Moskva: Eksmo), and as “Словарь бородатых жителей о. Чока, найденных в заливе де Лангля [vocabulary of the language of bearded inhabitants of Sakhalin found in De Langle Bay]” as ‘appendix 1’ to M[aria] Sevela 2010. “Французкие исследователи Сахалина в XVIII веке [French 18th-century explorers of Sakhalin]”, in Западноевропейские мореплаватели у берегов Сахалина и Курильских островов (XVII–XVIII вв.) // Navigateurs occidentaux sur les côtes de Sakhaline et des îles Kouriles (XVII–XVIII sičcles). Часть II. Жан Франсуа де Тало (граф де Лаперуз), Путешествие вокруг света на фрегатах «Астролябия» и «Буссоль», pp. 101–1-6 (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Izdatel’stvo Lukomorye). Polish edition: “Słownik wyspiarzy Tchoka, w Zatoce Langle, sporządzony” in Podróż P. La Perouse na odkrycia nowych kraiów w Latach 1785–1786–1787 i 1788. Wydana przez M. L. A. Milet Mureau. Tłomaczona z Francuzkiego z przydanemi uwagami PP. J. R Forster i C. L. Sprengel. Tom III, pp. 60-72 (1803. Kraków: Drukarnia Antoniego Gröbla pozostałey Wdowy i Sukcesorów).
Lindquist, Ivar 1960. Indo-European features in the Ainu language with reference to the thesis of Pierre Naert. Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup.
Majewicz, Alfred F. 1981. Concerning the Ainu in Kamchatka. Poznań: Adam Mickiewicz University Institute of Linguistics Working Papers 1. Also published as “Linguistics and the problem of the resident Ainu population in Southern Kamchatka”. Bulletin de la Société Polonaise de Linguistique 39 (1983): 125–30; and in: Klaus Kracht and Helmut Morsbach (eds.) 1983. Transcultural understanding and modern Japan. Bochum: Brockmeyer. 132–138.
Majewicz, Alfred F. 1985. “Die richtige russische Fassung einer ainusprachiger Upaschkoma aus der N. A. Newski-Sammlung”. Lingua Posnaniensis 27: 97–99.
Majewicz, Alfred F. 2016. Айнский словарь Добротворского на фоне других лексикографических материалов в истории изучения айнского языка [Mikhail Dobrotvorskiy’s Ainu dictionary against the background of Ainu lexicography and its history]. IIEOS Preprint Series 54. Pp. 40. Also in Depreradovich et al. 2017: 207–225.
Majewicz, Alfred F., Elżbieta Majewicz 1986. An Ainu-English index-dictionary to B. Piłsudski’s Materials for the study of the Ainu language and folklore of 1912. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM. See also Piłsudski 1911.
Majewicz, Alfred F., Elżbieta Majewicz 2004. “Phonographic records of Ainu language and folklore on wax cylinders”. CWBP-3: 504–517, 529, 575–642, and 773–791. DOI:
Moreira (~ Montero), Ignacio 1591. “De Iezorum insula”. In: Cieslik 1962: (40); with English translation in Kodama 1970: 15–16.
Murasaki Kyōko 1976. Karafuto ainugo [Sakhalin Ainu language texts], with foreword by Hattori Shirō; 1979. Karafuto ainugo – bumpō hen [Sakhalin Ainu grammar]. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai. Cf. Dal Corso 2021. 村崎恭子著、服部四郎序 1976 『カラフトアイヌ語』. 1979 『カラフトアイヌ語 - 文法篇』. 東京都: 国書刊行会.
Murayama, S[hichirō] 1944. “Ein Versuch zum Vergleich der Ainu-Sprache mit den kaukasischen Sprachen”. Nippon. Zeitschrift für Japanologie 10: 1–11, and 49–63.
Murayama, Shichiro 1968. “Ainu in Kamchatka”. Bulletin of the Faculty of Literature Kyushu University / 九州大学文学部欧文記要 12: 55–77. Shorter version printed as Ainu in Kamchatka [separatum for the 8th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, September 1968, Tokyo-Kyoto]. Fukuoka. Reprinted in Murayama 1971: 343–52.
Murayama Shichirō 1971. Kita Chishima ainugo – bunkengakuteki kenkyū [northern Kuril Ainu language, a philological study]. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan. 村山七郎著 . 『北千島アイヌ語 – 文献学的研究』. 東京都: 吉川弘文館.
Murayama Shichirō 1992. Ainugo-no kigen [the origin of the Ainu language]. Tokyo: San’ichi Shobō. 村山七郎.『アイヌ語語の起源』. 東京都: 三一書房.
Naert, Pierre 1958. La situation linguistique de l’aïnou I, aïnou et indoeuropéen. Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup. Available as EWWI-2.
Nakagawa Hiroshi (supervisor) 1995, 1996. Kamui yukar kaisetsu // Commentary on the Songs of the Gods. Translation and commentary: Katayama Tatsumine. A separate book in the box set Kamui yukar, Ainugo ehon, kaisetsusho, Onsei CD // Kamuy-yukar, Ainu Picture Book, Commentary, CD of the Song (utaite // [performed by] Shirasawa Nabe [&] Nakamoto Mutsuko). Tokyo: Katayama Gengo Bunka Kenkyūjo // Katayama Institute of Linguistic and Cultural Research. 中川裕監修 、 片山龍嶺訳解説. 『カムイユカラ解説』. [In:] 『 カムイユカラ』 (謡い手 白沢ナベ · 中本ムツ子). 東京都: 片山言語文化研究所.
Nevskiy, N[ikolay] A[leksandrovich] 1972. Айнский фольклор [Ainu folklore]. MN. Cf. Majewicz 1985. Japanese edition: Nikorai Nefusukii (author), Ridia Guromukofusukaya (ed.) 1991. Ainu fōkuroa. Edited by, translated by Sakai Kazuyoshi. Sapporo: Hokkaidō Shuppan Keikaku Sentā. ニコライ·ネフスキー.アイヌ·フォークロア. リヂア·グロムコフスカヤ編、魚井一由訳. 札幌: 北海道出版企画センター.
Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko 1969. Sakhalin Ainu folklore. Anthropological Studies 2. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.
Patrie, James 1982. The genetic relationship of the Ainu language. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii.
Pfizmaier, August 1850. “Bemerkungen über die von La Peyrouse gelieferte Wörtersammlung der Sprache von Sagalien”. SKAW 3: 151–70. Offprint, 1–20. Also in EEWL-1.
Pfizmaier, August 1851a. Kritische Durchsicht der von Dawidow verfassten Wörtersammlung aus der Sprache der Ainos. Wien: K. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei. Also in EEWL-1.
Pfizmaier, August 1851b. Untersuchungen über den Bau der Aino-Sprache. Wien: aus der K. K. Hof- und Staatsdrückerei. Also as “Über den Bau der Aino-Sprache”. SKAW 7: 382–490. Also in EEWL-8, see also Dobrotvorskiy 1875.
Pfizmaier, August 1854. “Vocabularium der Aino-Sprache”. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Classe 5: 137–230. Also in EEWL-1; treated as a German translation of Uehara and Abe 1805.
Philippi, Donald L. 1979. Songs of human, songs of gods: The epic tradition of the Ainu. University of Tokyo Press.
Piłsudski, Bronisław 1911. “Materiały do języka i folkloru Ajnów [materials for the study of the language and folklore of the Ainu – includes a description of his Ainu dictionary, considered lost]”. Sprawozdania z Czynności i Posiedzeń Akademii Umiejętności (Kraków) 16/3: 3–5. English translation in CWBP-1: 597–598 and 719.
Piłsudski, Bronisław 1912. Materials for the study of the Ainu language and folklore. Collected and prepared for publication by Bronisław Piłsudski, edited under the supervision of J[an] Rozwadowski, PhD. Cracow: Imperial Academy of Sciences (Spasowicz Fund) „Spółka Wydawnicza Polska”. Reprinted several times, also in CWBP-2: 1–272.
Radliński, Ignacy 1891. Słownik narzecza Ainów, zamieszkujących wyspę Szumszu w łańcuchu Kurylskim przy Kamczatce ze zbiorów Prof. B. Dybowskiego [dictionary of the ethnolect of the Ainu inhabiting the Shumshu Island in the Kuril chain nearest to Kamchatka Peninsula from records taken by Professor Benedykt Dybowski]. Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności. Published separately, pp. 1–67. Also appeared in 1892 in Rozprawy Akademii Umiejętności, Wydział Filologiczny (Kraków) 16 (serya II. Tom I, 1892): 53–119.
Radliński, Ignacy 1901. “Stosunki etnograficzne na krańcach wschodnich Azyi [ethnic situation on the easternmost recesses of Asia]”. In: Przeszłość w teraźniejszości. Zbiór dociekań społeczno-naukowych. Tom I [“the past in the present”, collection of writings in sociology and ethnography]. Warszawa: Gebethner i Wolff. 247–366.
Refsing, Kirsten 1986. The Ainu language. The morphology and syntax of the Shizunai dialect. Århus: Aarhus University Press.
Refsing, Kirsten 2014. “From collecting words to writing grammars. A brief history of Ainu linguistics”. In: Mark J. Hudson, Ann-Elise Lewallen, and Mark K. Watson (eds.). Beyond Ainu studies. Changing academic and public perspectives. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. 185–99, references 233–50. DOI:
Rosny, Léon de 1861. Vocabulaire chinois-coréen-aino expliqué en français et précédé d’une introduction sur les écritures de la Chine, de la Corée et de Yéso. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie libraires-éditeurs. Reprint: 1984 Vocabulaire chinois-coréen-aino. Bochum: Verlag Norbert R. Adami.
Sawada, Kazuhiko and Kōichi Inoue 2010. A critical biography of Bronisław Piłsudski. Preprint. Vols. 1-2, Saitama University Faculty of Liberal Arts.
Sekiba Fujihiko 1896. Ainu ijidan. Sapporo [: the author]. Not-for-sale item. 關場不二彥. 『あいぬ醫事談』.札幌市: 醫學士關場不二彦、非賣品. Reprinted in: Kōno Motomichi (ed.) 1980. Ainu-shi shiryōshū 3. Iryō, eisei hen [box collection of sources on Ainu history 3. Health care and hygiene edition]. Sapporo: Hokkaidō Shuppan Kikaku Sentā. Also in: Sekiba Fujihiko Sensei Seitan Hyakunen Kinenkai (eds.) 1966. Sekiba Ridō senshū [selected works, “Ridō” being Sekiba’s Buddhist name (号)]. Tokyo: Kanehara Shuppan. 河野本道選者.『 アイヌ史資料集 第 3 巻 医療, 衛生編』. 札幌市: 北海道出版企画センター. | 關場不二彥先生生誕百年記念会編 .『関場理堂選集』. 東京都: 金原出版.
Shibatani, Masayoshi 1990. “The Ainu language”. In: The languages of Japan. Cambridge University Press. 1–86.
[Spevakovskiy, A[leksandr] B[orisovich]] 1986. “Айнская терминология родства [Ainu kinship terminology]”. Советская этнография 2: 45–56. [Spevakovskiy, A[leksandr] B[orisovich]] 1988. “Терминологический словарь-указатель [terminological index]” and “Словарь-указатель сверхъестественных существ [index of supernatural beings]”. In: Духи, оборотни, демоны и божества айнов (религиозные воззрения в традиционном айнском обществе) [spirits, werewolves, demons and deities of the Ainu – religion in traditional Ainu community]. MN. 196–203.
Strahlenberg, Philipp Johann von 1730. “Gentium boreo-orientalium vulgo Tatarorum harmonia linguarum, oder Specimen einiger Zahlen und Wörter derer in dem Nord-Ostlichem Theil von Europa und Asia wohnenden Tatar- und Hunno-Scythischen Abstämmlings-Völcker; aus welchen nebst anderen historischen Umständen zu erzehen seyn wird, wie solche vor Zeiten entweder unter sich oder mit andern Westlichen Völckern combnirt gewesen; ihre Wohnstellen aber können in der neuen edirten Charte gefunden werden”. Appended on a separate large-size sheet to Das Nord-und Ostliche Theil von Europa und Asia, In so weit solches Das gantze Rußische Reich mit Siberien und der grossen Tatarey in sich begreiffet, In einer Historisch-Geographischen Beschreibung der alten und neuen Zeiten, und vielen andern unbekannten Nachrichten vorgestellet, Nebsteiner noch niemahlsans Licht gegebenen Tabula Polyglotta von zwei und dreißgerley Arten Tatarischer Völcker Sprachen und einem Kalmuckischen Vocabulario Sonderlich aber Einer grossenrichtigen Land-Charte von den benannten Ländern und andern verschiedenen Kupfferstichen, so die Asiatisch-Scythische Antiqvität betreffen; Bey Gelegenheit der Schwedischen Kriegs-Gefangerschaft in Rußland, aus eigener sorgfältigen Erkundigung, auf denenverstattetenweiten Reisen zusammen gebracht und ausgefertige von Philipp Johann von Strahlenberg. Stockholm, in Verlegung des Autoris. 26 words in the Tabula. English edition 1738. An historic-geographical description of the north and eastern parts of Europe and Asia… London: Brotherton.
Summers, James A. 1886. “An Aino-English vocabulary”. TASJ 14: 186–232. Also in EEWL-2.
Taguchi, Kirsten Yumiko [Refsing] 1974. An annotated catalogue of Ainu material in the East Asian Institute of Aarhus University. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Tamura, Suzuko 2000. The Ainu language. An English translation of the entry “Ainugo” in Kamei Takashi, Kōno Rokurō, and Chino Eiichi (eds.). 1988. Gengogaku daijiten 1, sekai gengo hen 1 [encyclopedia of linguistics, vol. 1, languages of the world 1]. 6–94. Tokyo: Sanseidō. 田村すヾ子 「アイヌ語」. 亀井孝, 河野六郎, 千野栄一編. 『言語学大辞典 1 世界言語編 1』. 東京都:三省堂.
Tamura Suzuko, English by Ian R. L. McDonnell 1996. Ainugo Saru hōgen jiten // The Ainu-Japanese Dictionary Saru dialect. Tokyo: Sōfūkan. [Ian R. L. McDonnell’s “Notes on the English”, separate pagination following the dictionary part, pp. 25–29.] 田村すヾ子. 『アイヌ語沙流方言辞典』. 東京都: 草風館.
Titsingh, Isaac 1814. “Recueil de mots du langage de Iesso”. In: Conrad Malte-Brun (ed.) Annales des voyages, de la géographie et de l’histoire, ou collection des voyages nouveaux les plus estimés, traduits de toutes les langues européennes: dès relations originales, inédites, communiquées par des voyageurs français et étrangers [...], vol. 24. 165–170. Reprint Isaac Titsingh 1984. Descriptions de la terre Iesso, 165–170. Bochum: Verlag Norbert R. Adami.
Torii, R[yūzō] 1918. “Les Ainou des Iles Kouriles”. Journal of the College of Science, Tokyo Imperial University 42/1. Etudes Archéologiques et Ethnologiques: 1–337 + Planches I- XXXVIII. See esp. chapters “La langue des Ainou des Kouriles”, 49–71 (here a French-Kuril Ainu-Hokkaido Ainu word list, 50–67, and Krasheninnikov’s Kuril Ainu wordlist with French equivalents, 68–71), “Comparaison des deux dialectes Aïnou des Kouriles et du Yézo”, 72–74, “Langue Assyrienne et Langue Aïnou”, 75–76, and “Les différents Iles Kouriles”, 37–49, for toponymics, but data pertaining to the language are scattered throughout the volume; appendices I–III, 290–305, are devoted to petroglyphs.
Tsujimura Natsuko (ed.) 1999. The handbook of Japanese linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
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Uehara Kumajirō, Abe Chōzaburō 1804. Ezo hōgen moshiwogusa [Japanese-Ainu glossary]. Printing house and place unknown. Reprint: Kindaichi Kyōsuke and Narita Shūichi (eds.) 1972. Ainugo shiryō sōsho. Moshiwogusa [a collection of materials on the Ainu language. Japanese-Ainu glossary]. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai. 上原熊次郎通辞、阿部長三郎支配、文化元.『蝦夷方言藻汐草』. 鈴驥園 [~出版地·出版者不明]. 金田一 京助解説、 成田修一撰 .『アイヌ語資料叢書 藻汐草』. 東京都: 国書刊行会.
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Vovin, Alexander 1993. A reconstruction of Proto-Ainu. Leiden: E. J. Brill. DOI:
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