Social sciences, understood as critical and not neutral by nature, they should be equipped with specific competencies and sensivity. C. W. Mills these comptence define as sociological imagination – which is study of the relationship of history and biography, Giddens interpreted it as three basic senses: historical, anthropological, critical. The translation into political science would be a political theories imagination, it consist,, among over things like a: historicity of political phenomena, antisubstansialism, research self-awareness. Definition of political theories imagination I propose in the context of Wiktor Marzec’s paper Rebelion and Reaction, which is a study from field of historical sociology, it’s in itself a lot of inspiration for theorists of politics: research, theoretical and methodological. It is worth considering – in this context – fundamental categories of political science, like political subjectivity and the political, also revalidate in their range.
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