
food distribution
unbalanced nutrition
common nutritional problems in Society

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While people starve every day, food is being wasted. Simultaneously a food shortage does not exist on our planet. There is no lack of food. Production and distribution are the two primary causes of this problem. Unbalanced nutrition is the cause of obesity, overweight and hunger. Insufficient food intake causes nutritional problems such as vitamin and Iodine deficiency, Anaemia, Underweight and Stunting, Low birth weight, Protein-Energy Malnutrition, excess intake of food causes. However, nutritional health problems are not only caused by the absense of food but also from excessive food intake causing diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases etc. These all health problems effect societies worldwide. Bringing the global burden of diet-related noncomunicable diseases under control and enhancing public nutrition and health requires a muti-diciplinary approach.



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