
hypotheses of the socioanalysis
deaf applicants
Higher Education
Critical Discourse Analysis.

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The objective of the study is to apply eight hypotheses of the socioanalysis for the interpretation and critical social reading of the "self-narratives" of deaf applicants to Higher Education at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS-Brazil). It is located in the theoretical-methodological field of Critical Discourse Analysis  (CDA), and Deaf Studies (DS). We will analyze a narrative of a deaf subject, corpus collected in 2014, in the college entrance examination for the Brazilian Sign Language Course (LIBRAS), and adopt this methodological guideline, to define object of study;  identify areas of interfaces that meet the objectives; select the categories of each area of interface; establish the dialogue between categories;  identify the social meanings constructed in the discourse. The result confirms the role of socioanalysis in seeking to unveil how the practice of social relations and (re)construction of their identities in the struggle for citizenship rights articulate in the deaf individual's life.


Federal University of Sergipe-Brazil for granting me a paid license for postdoctoral studies at the University of Lisbon - Portugal (Ordinance No. 465 of April 2nd


the International Sector of the University of Lisbon for accepting me as a Visiting Researcher

Professor Ph.D Carlos Gouveia

for accepting this research tutoring

The student Deborah Diniz

a CNPq scholarship holder (2016


for scanning and typing the text used for analysis

Tamires Cruz for the translation to English


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