Democratic movements in Lebanon and children’s understanding of their rights


qualitative research
children’s perspective
sociopolitical factors

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Children’s rights should be applicable for children, and be acknowledged by children themselves and practice them in the present and future lives. The increasing awareness and concern about children’s rights need a thorough investigation of how children themselves understand their rights. The aim of this study is to analyze the perspective of children in Lebanon of their rights and examine the impact of democratic movements on their understanding of their rights. A qualitative research methodology was employed and data were gathered in the form of semi-structured VoIP interviews. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The analysis presented in this paper signifies that the democratic movements are being both a source and an approach of recognizing and practising children’s rights, especially the right to participate, freedom of expression, and equality, along with the right to education, social security, and protection from all forms of abuse. Hence, it could be concluded that democratic movements are important in constructing and reconstructing children’s understanding of their rights.


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