Renata Siemieńska (ed.), Academic careers of women and men: Different or similar?


academic careers
gender inequalities
gender differences
higher education
gender studies

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This is a book review of the Academic careers of women and men, edited by Renata Siemieńska. The authors of the chapters presented in the book show selected problems of gender inequality and discrimination in Polish higher education compared to other countries. They analyze excitingly, among others: the low share of women in technical and engineering sciences in European countries, mechanisms marginalizing women in the surgical profession, a small percentage of women in the staff of art universities, as well as the course of doctoral studies and access to research grants awarded to women and men by Polish institutions. The discussed aspects also present a historical perspective and investigate the causes of the existing state of affairs. The research results on the situation of women in the academic world cited in the book prove that regularities persist for years, such as slower development of scientific careers among women or their low presence in higher positions in the academic hierarchy.


Siemieńska, Renata, ed. 2019. Academic careers of women and men: Different or similar? Warszawa: Scholar Publishing House.

Siemieńska, Renata, ed. 2019. Kariery akademickie kobiet i mężczyzn. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.