O separacji między prawem i moralnością. Glosa do Czystej teorii prawa Hansa Kelsena
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legal order
moral order
separation thesis
amoral law

How to Cite

Huk, M. (2013). O separacji między prawem i moralnością. Glosa do Czystej teorii prawa Hansa Kelsena. ETHICS IN PROGRESS, 4(2), 113–136. https://doi.org/10.14746/eip.2013.2.8

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This paper is dedicated to the problem of separation legal and moral order from the perspective of Kelsen`s Pure Theory of Law. In discussing the need for such a separation, the author shows its relevant consequences. According to the most controversial of them, the “amoral law” seems to be a very sovereign normative concept. But still another question arises – wouldlegal subjects be able to cooperate with the law when its effectiveness is only based on the coercive power and sanctions?
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