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DOI: 10.14746/eip
e-ISSN: 2084-9257
ARTICLES ARE LICENSED UNDER A CREATIVE COMMONS: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0 International)
Focus and Scope
"Ethics in Progress" is focused on advancements in research on ethics and morality, understood in terms of the cognitive competence necessary to make practical judgments and decisions, and to act.
It encourages the submission of manuscripts related to the following topics: advancements in moral cognition and moral competence research; moral-cognitive development; the moral self and identity; sociomoral relationships and discourse; democratic competence research; decision-making and conflict solving research; developments in practical philosophy and praxiology; ethical and legal normativism (progress); advancements in legal philosophy; theory of action; developments in biomedical and environmental ethics; public healthcare; advancements in techno-ethics including AI. Articles addressing the classics and traditions are allowed on condition that they propose novel interpretations and methodologies.
Peer Review Process
The journal strives for the highest possible scientific standards. In the interests of these standards, the reviewing procedure is thorough. The preference is for: original and innovative research-based manuscripts (or investigations) with clear methodologies, innovative research findings, cross-disciplinary relevance, and accelerating developments, which fit with the thematic priorities of Ethics in Progress. Submitted manuscripts are firstly assessed by the Editorial Board to see whether they are originally authored and match the journal's scope and core topics. Once the formal revision has been conducted, manuscripts are evaluated by independent peer reviewers (double-blind reviews) within 8 weeks. Additionally, the final manuscript is checked for plagiarism with iThenticate ( until the end of the year 2022 with the Adam Mickiewicz University Open Antiplagiarism System - Final approval or rejection of a manuscript is made by the Editorial Board. Authors have the right to appeal from the received reviews, providing a written explanation and justification. The appeal instance is in this case the Editor-in-Chief, who can direct the contribution to an additional expert review process. The Editorial Board makes the final decision.
If plagiarism is found, the manuscript will be irrevocably rejected with notification to the authors.
Once the approval has been made, the Author receives the following to read, sign and send back: "Agreement for granting a CC BY-SA 4.0 license" (mandatory).
Each Author and Co-author receives their contract signed by both parties via their postal address.
Ethics in Progress peer review template.
In ethically relevant cases, we recommend our peer reviewers following COPE Ethical Standards for Peer Reviewers.
Code of Ethics
"Ethics in Progress" possesses its own publication ethics & malpractice statement which clearly refers to the COPE Standards. The acceptance of articles depends on a number of good practices. Authors, editors, reviewers and publishers are obliged to avoid such malpractices as ghostwriting; plagiarism (manuscripts are submitted to the anti-plagiarism check in the system of AMU University); fraudulent commitment; drawing data from illegal sources; conducting experiments which harm human and animal participants; and causing environment pollution, etc.
The submitted paper must be your original work, it cannot replicate any of your previous publications, except if you submit a translation to a foreign language. Any measuring instruments employed by researchers must be licensed and valid (and should be mentioned in the section of the paper usually entitled 'research methodology / experiment design'). Intellectual property rights must be rigorously respected. Recommended good practices are objectivity, respect for the state of art in corresponding disciplines, reporting on original research findings, and providing necessary approvals issued by the academic Committees of Ethics.
Conflict of interest is managed in the following way: each author certifies that they have NO affiliations with, or involvement in, any organization that would constitute a financial interest (such as, for example, honoraria, educational grants, membership, employment, stock ownership, etc.), expert testimony, or patent-licensing arrangements, or other such interest, for example, personal or professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge, beliefs etc. in the subject matter and topics discussed in their manuscript).
If the authors declare a conflict of interest, then people who are in conflict with them are excluded from editorial decision process concerning the publication of submitted manuscript.
In the event of the Editorial Board being informed of pre/post-publication misconduct, including allegations, complaints or disputes between authors, editors and third parties (e.g. other contributors, authors or institutions whose intellectual property rights were offended), the "Ethics in Progress" policies provide mechanisms for correcting, revising and retracting a paper (in accordance with COPE Standards). We also provide ethical and legal solutions according to the mandatory provisions of the Press Law and Intellectual Property Rights. The complaint document is available on our web site.
In ethically relevant cases we implement the Core Practices and Standards of COPE.
The journal's Open Access statement is based on the standards of COPE.
Open Access Policy
This is an Open Access journal. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles in this journal, and to use them for any other lawful purpose. Authors retain copyright and publishing rights to their articles, granting the journal the right to distribute them under the terms of the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
The editors encourage authors to submit articles published in the journal to open access repositories (the publisher's final version, VoR).
The journal does not charge authors any fees for the procedure of accepting and publishing texts.