Current Issue
THE SCOPE: Ethics in Progress provides a crossdisciplinary & crosscultural global forum for the examination and discussion of innovative research in ethics across disciplines. EiP especially encourages submissions that use a range of empirical and experimental research methods. It addresses moral development, normative framework & its dynamics, and moral activism in context. A semi-annual journal that appears in Spring-Autumn cycle. It encourages original submissions from all over the world.
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Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2024): 40
DOI: 10.14746/eip
e-ISSN: 2084-9257
ARTICLES ARE LICENSED UNDER A CREATIVE COMMONS: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0 International)
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The journal "Ethics in progress" complies with the I40C standards for open citations.
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań, Poland
The project in the years 2022–2024 is financed under the program of the Ministry of Education and Science under the name "Development of scientific journals" (“Rozwój czasopism naukowych”), contract number RCN/SP/0012/2021/1.
The project in the years 2019–2021 is financed under the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the name "Support for scientific journals" (“Wsparcie dla Czasopism Naukowych”), contract number 261/WCN/2019/1.

Milestone: Ethics in Progress reached over 1000 citations on Google Scholar!
Ethics in Progress has reached over 1000 citations on Google Scholar (search performed in Publish or Perish by ISSN, 12.12.2023).
Milestone: Ethics in Progress has been indexed in Redalyc
Ethics in Progress passed the quality criteria evaluation and has been indexed in - beginning the transition to JATS XML publishing format.
Ethics in Progress advanced to the 34th percentile of Scopus CiteScore Rank in Philosophy
We are happy to announce that Ethics in Progress (ISSN: 2084-9257) has advanced to the 34 percentile in Scopus CiteScore rank for the philosophy discipline. The journal is currently in the 3rd quartile of philosophical journals ranked on Scopus.