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CAT training
interpreter training




The aim of the existing case study was to investigate the implications of applying
computers to teaching interpreting to students who were not foreign language majors. Some
researchers argued that interpreting courses are very difficult, so they should be offered to qualified
post-graduate students instead of undergraduate students. However, most undergraduate programs
in Taiwan offer interpretation courses. In addition, in China two-semester interpreter training
courses have even been offered to most undergraduate students who were not foreign language
majors. Furthermore, computers have been widely used in interpreter training, but no research has
been available that investigated how to apply computer assisted interpreter training (CAIT) to
teaching interpreting to students who are not foreign language majors. Qualitative research methods
have been used to collect and analyze the data to complete the report in this study. Participants
consisted of the author and the 18 students, who were not foreign language majors, taking a
computer assisted interpreter training course that the author offered in a university in Taipei,
Taiwan, in 2009. The results of the study indicated that CAIT may be developed into IM (the
interpretation method) of foreign language teaching to teach students who are not foreign language
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