

  • 该投稿还未被发表过,也没有被其他杂志接受(或者在评论中有一个解释已经提供给编辑).
  • 投稿文件的文件格式可以是OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, 或者WordPerfect document.
  • 在有条件的情况下,提供参考文献的URL.
  • 该文本为单倍行距;字号大小为12点; 采用斜体, 而不是强调 (除非获得URL 地址); 和所有的插图, 图片,以及表格被放置在文本在适当的位置而不是在结束.
  • 该文本符合作者指南里文体和书目的要求,作者指南可以在关于期刊里找到.


We know that you, as an author, care deeply about your work. You want your article to be accessible, cited and used by the widest possible audience. Every year, we accept and publish more than 20 journal articles. We publish four volumes of the journal per year.

Articles are published free of charge.

The journal is designed to publish scholarly works of researchers and practitioners specializing in linguistics and law.

Preparing your manuscript

We welcome submissions in English, French and German. Guest edited volumes at the request of the guest editor may be published in Italian, Polish, Russian and Chinese.

Here you can download: Formatting standards and references as well as a sample article with a style sheet.  Authors should make sure that where available, URLs for the references have been provided. 

 Your paper should be logically structured.

 The following structures may be followed: 

1. The research paper should have the following structure:
- Abstract
- Key words
- Purpose of the research
- Scope of the research
- Methods used/Methodology/Approach/Design
- Findings
- Research limitations/implications
- Practical implications
- Originality/value
- Recommendations (if applicable)

2. The descriptive paper (summarizing the state of the art in the field) should have the following structure:
- Abstract
- Key words
- Purpose of the research
- Scope of the research
- Methods used
- State-of-the-art findings
- Recommendations (if applicable) 


It is necessary for the author to create the author’s profile and submit the paper onto the journal platform: https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/cl.

The authors are required to submit papers that have not been previously published, nor are submitted before another journal for consideration.

The submission file must be in Microsoft Word or RTF document file format.

Length: Articles should be between 30,000 and 50,000 characters with spaces in length.

Publishing process

  1. The publishing process on average takes about a year from the moment of article submission. We publish only articles with two positive peer reviews. Reviewers are appointed by the journal editor. The editors reserve the right to appoint a third reviewer in case of doubts. The editorial board reserves the right to publish selected articles without two reviews. We reserve a right to have one review in cases where the topic of the paper is very niche and it is not possible to find two competent reviewers. The information about negative reviews is passed to the author immediately upon receiving the second review. If the article requires corrections, it will be sent back to the author with a deadline for introducing necessary changes. If the author delays with returning the article, the editors reserve the right to reject it or publish it in the next journal volume.
  2. The status of your paper will change during the peer-review process from (i) paper submitted  successfully (ii) under review (iii) editor decision : accepted; revising required; resubmit to review; (iv) decline submission.

