On the meaning of light verbs. Hungarian light verb constructions within the system of verbal constructions with metaphorical meanings


light verbs
light verb constructions
semantic change
semantic integration
metaphorical meaning

How to Cite

Hrenek, Éva. (2020). On the meaning of light verbs. Hungarian light verb constructions within the system of verbal constructions with metaphorical meanings. Język. Komunikacja. Informacja, (14), 14–32. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/jki/article/view/22631


Light verb constructions (henceforth LVCs) constitute a peculiar category within the system of verbal constructions having metaphorical meanings, as their semantics is primarily determined not by the verb but rather by its nominal dependent, which generally functions as an object. However, the category of LVCs is far from being homogeneous. The goal of the present paper is twofold. Firstly, I attempt to account for the variability we find within the category of LVCs. Secondly, I analyse the semantic structure of the Hungarian verb köt ‘tie, bind’ in order to find out how LVCs involving this verb can be integrated into the system of verbal constructions with metaphorical meanings. By the study of attested, real-world examples, I also aim to highlight the fact that (contrary to a popular assumption in the specialized literature) the verbal components of LVCs cannot be considered “meaningless” elements. While their meaning is abstract to a lesser or higher degree, they are by no means semantically “empty”; moreover, their meaning is not necessarily and exclusively “grammatical”.