Eriophyoid studies in Turkey: review and perspectives


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Denizhan, E., Szydło, W., & Skoracka, A. (2014). Eriophyoid studies in Turkey: review and perspectives. Biological Letters, 50(1), 45–54.

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Although the geographical location and botanical history of Turkey make the country a perfect place for a potentially rich diversity of eriophyoid mites, little is known about the Turkish eriophyoid fauna. The current paper is a brief review of the existing records of eriophyoid mites found so far in Turkey, with additional information on 6 grass-associated eriophyoid species recorded recently. The 134 eriophyoid species collected in Turkey come from only ca. 1.2% of all Turkish plant species. The role of collecting ecological and molecular data and studying economically significant eriophyoid mites species in this area is particularly stressed.


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