Alleviation of nickel toxicity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings by selenium supplementation


electrolyte leakage
nickel stress
photochemical activity

How to Cite

Gajewska, E., Drobik, D., Wielanek, M., Sekulska-Nalewajko, J., Gocławski, J., Mazur, J., & Skłodowska, M. (2014). Alleviation of nickel toxicity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings by selenium supplementation. Biological Letters, 50(2), 65–78.

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Hydroponically grown wheat seedlings were treated with 50 μM N i and/or 15 μM Se. After a 7-day culture period, their growth parameters, N i, Se, F e, and M g contents, electrolyte leakage, photosynthetic pigment concentrations, and photochemical activity of photosystem II were determined. Exposure of wheat seedlings to N i alone resulted in reduction in the total shoot and root lengths, by 22% and 50%, respectively. Addition of Se to the N i-containing medium significantly improved the growth of these organs, compared to the seedlings subjected to N i alone. Application of Se decreased the accumulation of N i in shoots and roots and partially alleviated the N i-induced decrease in F e and M g concentations in shoots. Electrolyte leakage increased in response to N i stress, but in shoots it was diminished by Se supplementation. Exposure to N i led to a decrease in chlorophyll a and b contents and enhancement of chlorophyll a/b ratio, but did not influence the concentration of carotenoids. Enrichment of the N i-containing medium with Se significantly increased chlorophyll b content, compared to the seedlings treated with N i alone. Photochemical activity, estimated in terms of the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II , decreased in response to N i treatment but was significantly improved by simultaneous addition of Se. Results of our study suggest that alleviation of N i toxicity in wheat seedlings by Se supplementation may be related to limitation of N i uptake.


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