New and rare species of the Gamasida (Acari) in the Polish fauna, recorded in ‘Bagno Stawek’ Reserve (Tuchola Forest, northern Poland)


new species
rare species
Polish fauna
Zaborski Landscape Park
Tuchola Forest

How to Cite

Marquardt, T., & Kaczmarek, S. (2010). New and rare species of the Gamasida (Acari) in the Polish fauna, recorded in ‘Bagno Stawek’ Reserve (Tuchola Forest, northern Poland). Biological Letters, 46(1), 37–42.

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As a result of 3-year studies of gamasid mites (Acari) from ‘Bagno Stawek’ Reserve (in the Zaborski Landscape Park), 4 rare species were identified: Platyseius subglaber (Oudemans, 1903), Stylochirus giganteus (Willmann, 1938), Uroobovella minima (Koch, 1841), and Veigaia transisalae (Oudemans, 1902). Among them, S. giganteus is new to the fauna of Poland.


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