Distribution of selected invasive plant species in the Romensko-Poltavsky Geobotanical District (Ukraine)


invasive species
maps of distribution
Romensko-Poltavsky Geobotanical District

How to Cite

Dvirna, T. S. (2016). Distribution of selected invasive plant species in the Romensko-Poltavsky Geobotanical District (Ukraine). Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 40, 37–47. https://doi.org/10.1515/biorc-2015-0033

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The paper presents the distribution of 10 selected invasive plant species in Ukraine. The studied taxa comprised 8 invasive and 2 potentially invasive species. All species were characterized in phytogeographical, biological and ecological terms. Their distribution was shown on grid maps.



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